Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Strawberry Scones Forever

I had some strawberries and I wanted to bake. So I "pinned." I found a recipe for Strawberry Scones (recipe in the link). They were pretty simple to make. I usually find that the "total times" for recipe from prep to finish is always longer when I do it. This didn't take me long at all. I also didn't get as many scones out of it. Maybe I didn't cut mine small enough, but I had 8 large scones. They turned out delicious.

One of the guys I live with was leaving for New York City on Sunday, so I had made them as a kind of "Bon Voyage" treat. He'd never had one before; he took one bite and was like, can I take another for the road. I also got told by another guy I live with, "You couldn't have made those, they look like they came from a store." I can't decide if that is a compliment or an insult that he'd think my baking not store quality. When he tasted them, he thought they were divine. I already have a request for more. I have a ton of strawberries and blueberries that I'll have to put to good use.

I did have to change one thing about the recipe. I only used 1 cup of powdered sugar with the glaze, not 3 cups! I still used the same amount of wet ingredients though. They still tasted sweet without the added sugar.

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