Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best in Film

So I was really intrigued by the ABC and People's list of Best in Film. I am a movie junkie and am always excited about good movies to watch. Many of these movies I have watched, but some I'm not sure if I ever really want to see. Of course, the list made me happy by having Gone With the Wind topping categories of Best Kiss, Best Memorable Quote, and Best Film! Scarlett came in 3rd for Best Character. I love both the movie and the novel - so I am super happy that it won all these categories.

I know some people may think that this movie is extremely racist; however, I can't fault a movie for showing some one's feelings about an era as well as many historical accuracies. Yes, Prissy talks like an idiot, but most slaves didn't have a good enough education to speak with perfect grammar. Many people have problems with the part where Scarlett slaps Prissy - I don't care what color anyone in that situation is; if my sister told me she was capable of delivering a baby and then the time came and she had no idea what to do...I'd jack slap my own sister!
I also see the movie as the hardship the people of the South felt when their way of life was completely changed. This just didn't change life for the men, but for the women that were mostly kept out of the business affairs of life. All of the sudden they have to deal with starvation, reconstruction, etc. all by themselves. I think Scarlett is an incredibly strong character that did what she had to do to keep those she loved (esp. her and Ashley) alive - she was the one that had to make the hard decisions, because they were forced upon her and it was survive or just starve and go under.

The winners of categories that I still have yet to see are: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Airplane (however, I do quote the line: "Of course I'm serious! And quit calling me Shirley" ... much to my mother's chagrin). I think I might start a Sunday Cinema blog - so I might work my way through the categories and review the Top 5 movies of each categories as ranked by ABC and People.

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