Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Beginning of Thirsty Thursday

Hello everyone! My name is Stephenie and I want to let you know that I am thirsty! It is fitting for something like "thirsty Thursday"; however, I am not thirsty for alcohol - I am thirsty for change! I should probably let you know what the Concept of Thirsty Thursday is before I go spewing - Thirsty Thursday will cover the things about my life that I want to change and that I will be taking action to change. Thursday's blog will be holding me accountable for attempting to make those changes rather than curling into a ball and pulling the covers up over my head.
So let me tell you a little about me:
In my family I have 2 high achieving parents, 2 beautiful and talented sisters, and 3 sporty/intelligent/got-it-all brothers and then there's me. Yes me - the black sheep of the family! I have successful, married or soon to be married older siblings and prodigy adopted children from Ethiopia to compete with. I'm not complaining, I LOVE my family so much! I'd jack slap any one who tried to hurt them (in any way). I just happen to be the sore thumb that sticks out.
Relationship wise - I have been on one, count them, ONE date! And I had to ask the guy to ask me out in an email that I faked that my best friend sent out from my own account! Needless to say - I think you should just let things take their own natural order. My mom is pro-find-Stephenie-a-husband. She keeps suggesting men I should marry; her recent being a missonary to Russia: "Well sweetie, I know how much you like international travel and he's such a sweetheart." I think there's the problem that I think his brother is way hotter than he is - that tiny detail just might get in the way in the future (>.<) I'm like Drew Barrymore's character in Never Been Kissed - I'm just waiting for that perfect guy to plant one on me. I'm sick of being lonely and I don't think my parents Medieval or Victorian notion of arranged marriage is going to work at escaping the burden of a daughter - I feel I should grow roots like Emily Dickinson and pine away in my room contemplating dates with death! Hell, Death sounds like some serious action in the romance department to me - that is how bad it is!
Health wise - If you don't know where this is going with the whole black sheep thing and health, I'll fill you in: I'm fat! Yup - my trim siblings and especially sporty younger siblings have bodies of the gods (no joke - my little brother has abs...and more than a 6 pack). I'm not huge by the average American woman - I am the average American woman! I have the coordination of an inebriated elephant; thus, I was the nerdy type with my nose in a book instead of out on a field chasing a ball. I became heavier after dealing with a bout of depression and I've managed before to lose a lot of weight and then gain it back over a 6 year period. My trip to health is not just about losing weight, but learning not to turn to food for comfort and learning how to be kind to my body so it lasts for many years to come. My friends call me super-geriatric since my knees sometimes give out or I get stuck on the floor. I need to get healthy so I can be around, chasing my nephew around until he's the one too tired to play anymore.
Here is the big one...
Career wise - I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when my parents sent me packing off to college. Hell, I don't even remember applying to college...I think my mom did that for me. I had been looking into taking a year off and doing humanitarian aid work and traveling. That got shut down, but unlike my siblings, my parents didn't strongly point me in the direction of a Business degree. They knew that that type of degree and lifestyle was just not for me. I chose my two favorite things in the world: History and English. Now that I am in the real world - I am uncaulified for every profession there is out there, even the ones that say "high school or equivalent." It seems like no one wants to take a chance on any one and spend a little time training. I am a fully competent person and if you give me a chance I will give my all to succeed in whatever position I get. It doesn't help that my dream job is a writer with a farm in the Scottish Highlands that also has a whisky distillery on the property (I love the smell of whiskey!). I'm not quite there yet - I have some ideas to start with, but I have to commit and stop hiding from myself - I CAN do this and even if I fail, I can try, try again!

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