Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami of Charlie

So Fleeting Friday is based on celebrity news. Right now every one in the world is talking about Charlie Sheen. It is a little sad to me that the tsunami in Japan and the protesting in Wisconsin has been esclipsed by things like Charlie Sheen going nuts and Linsday Lohan, well, being herself. These trainwrecks of individuals have seemed to esclipse real news! Personally, while I can laugh at Charlie Sheen and LiLo, I also deeply pity them. I laughed at Charlie Sheen's co-star of 2 and a Half Men talking about his troll-ness, but at the same time I think what these stars need is pity, understanding, and love. They seem just so lost and lonely - and 72 jail sentences of 3 days that don't get served and 3 bricks of cocaine later...they still have the same problem they started out with: a lack of stability. While my heart and prayers go out to the people of Japan, they also go out to train wrecks of people suffering through the same issues that Lilo and Charlie are going through.

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