On of the products from this book that I decided to try was cold cream. I'd never really heard of it before or really new what to do with it when I got it. Despite my lack of knowledge of this product, it has quickly become on of my favorite products. I was one of those girls who'd rather just sleep in her makeup than waste the time to take it off. I especially hated the greasy, icky crap I had to smear on my eyes to get my waterproof mascara off and it not always coming off - besides I always felt like I was ripping the skin off my eyelids and then my skin would feel greasy no matter how much washing afterwards (not good when you already have greasy skin). I am so happy to take my makeup off when I know I have a jar of cold cream in my medicine cabinet! This stuff works like a DREAM! (I can add pictures later of how it can take massive amounts of makeup off without all that much effort or 16 different products. I am currently using the Ponds Cold Cream; however, I heard that there are even better cold creams out there that are more efficient at cleansing while also being CHEAPER - that is ALWAYS good!
If you take a look at Cold Cream on Wikipedia you get to see a product that has been around for a LONG TIME! This product has stood the test of time... 2 millennia to be exact! That means people in Jesus's time were smearing this stuff on their faces. And I can imagine this stuff was REALLY popular in Egypt where they had add that fancy eyeliner...they weren't having an EMO moment - nope, they were trying to protect their eyes from the desert sun. All that black eyeliner must have been heinous to try and get off, and this would probably seem like miracle cream to the people who worshiped the dung beetle.
Now I can't where that much eyeliner, but this is extremely helpful for getting off mascara without being harsh on the skin around your eyes. The cream leaves enough moisture on the skin to be used just by itself before bed. I use on of the Go 360 Clean products in the morning (this exfoliates and can be a little harsh for using all the time)and then turn to the cold cream at night for a makeup removing, skin smoothing, moisturizing power house! I think this was definitely a great find from the Let's Bring Back book.
It smelled good too! Oh and you can't where that much eyeliner anyway. Buw hahaha. I love you!!!