Monday, March 21, 2011

Montmorency, The Phantom of Fire

Ok, so no such book exists, but that is the mash up of books I've read/have started reading.

I finished Montmorency: Revenge by Eleanor Updale and I have to say that it was a really good book. It had a good message of forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and forgiving others was the main focus of this novel. Robert had to forgive himself of mistakes he had made in his medical practice and the other characters had to let go of their vendetta against the three people they held responsible for the murder of their uncle and best friend. There was a bit of a cliff hanger at the end and I desperately searched the shelf at the library to see if there was a sequel. I found no look at the book shelf or online. It appears that the book series has left off with Montmorency in a tight situation!

I also finished The Phantom of the Opera Gaston Leroux and after finishing this novel, I definitely have to say that the movie is above and beyond the better. The novel was written as if it was the result of a historian's research into the mystery of the Opera and its ghost. Raul was just a pathetic character - after standing in a room for a long time, he suddenly begins to think that the room has turned into a forest because some lights have come on and mirrors in the room begin to reflect the image of the tree indefinitely. He starts running into the walls until the Persian guy with him gets pissed and tells him to sit down. Really, I'm beginning to think that the Phantom would be a better partner - at least he's intelligent and dynamic; sure, he's crazy and a murderer, but he is more manly and intelligent than Raul's little, doesn't everyone have a soft spot for bad boys? I was a little sad that the Phantom wasn't quite what they make him to be in the movie; he's more evil. I also have more insight into his deformity - in the book it appears that his nose is only missing and this has apparently been missing since his childhood. After reading about prostitution in London, I got some details on the VD getting passed around, as well as the treatments for VD at this period in time; interestingly enough, the lose of a nose (it just dissolved, like Michael Jackson) was a common result from VD and the treatment for it. I'm not surprised the a deformity like this became grisly and repulsive - perfect for an unlovable villain.

The new book that I have started is called Fire by Kristin Cashore. It is a companion novel to Graceling. I really liked the first novel, and this one seems to be turning out pretty well. I was a little let down that none of the characters I really liked from the first novel seem to be in this novel. I'm really kind of interested in the "monsters" and how these monsters are incredibly alluring by their beautiful coloring and ability to dazzle their prey with their beauty. I am currently unsure if all "monsters" have the power to manipulate/read other people's thoughts, or if it is just the main character, Fire. I like that her name is based of her fire red hair - I like a leading red head...maybe why I love Ariel so much! I so wish I had red hair.

Maybe next week I can get Fire finished and a little bit more of my book on vice in London finished. Hahaha, maybe I can have the book on prostitution in London finished by the royal wedding :D

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