Monday, March 14, 2011

Lit. Lundi

So any one who knows me knows of my love for literature and media (tv, name it). Now days, I do consider things like television and magazines and youtube videos to be the literature of our day. Music is literature as well - if you consider how much literature comes to us because of minstrels, I think I'd have a good argument for entertainment of certain periods being equated with the term "literature."

I have two books I am working through. My mom got me addicted to using the libraries web database of ebooks and audio books. This site was a life saver for me while I was in France. The library at the school I was going to did have some English literature (I read Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy and loved it - highly recommend it). I have been listening to The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux and I must say that Raul is WAY more whiny than I thought he was in the movie. I, personally, love the movie (I mean, come on, Gerry is so amazing) and I still do not understand why Christine did not pick the Phantom. Reading/listening to this book makes all the characters seem so petty and stupid - the movie actually seems to have more depth than the novel. I think if you take the whiny-ness of the characters in the movie and times it by a million - you get these characters. I'm not quite finished with it, but I'm hoping that the next 3 hours of listening go by quickly!

The other book I am currently reading (hard copy checked out from the library - great place!) is Montmorency's Revenge by Eleanor Updale. I love the Victorian Era and Queen Victoria - so revenge, murder mystery, crime novels in this time period fascinate me. There are three other books before this one. I have read all the other ones before and was astounded while browsing the library shelves to see that there was a fourth novel. I kind of lost track of this series as I got caught up in the hubub of a degree in History and English and working. I came across the name Montmorency while I was recently abroad in France, and it made the story all come rushing back to me. It is probably why my eyes, on the first visit back to my home town library, instantly lead me to Montmorency. I am about half way through with the book and it isn't disappointing. So far the main characters are helping to foil a plot against the royals and seeking revenge... I'll have to fill you in on more later!

Another fav. "literature" of mine is Pretty Little Liars. I didn't originally get into this show. I saw the ads and was repulsed; however, upon catching an all day marathon last summer - I was hooked! I'm not so sure why I am so wrapped up into this show, but it seems to me that even though these kids are dealing with the murder of a best friend, dating a teacher, coming out of the closet, and losing their virginity - this is one of the sanest teen shows I have seen lately. You can watch Teen Mom, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, and Gossip Girl and scratch your head going "WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING TO THE YOUTH OF TODAY?!?" I'm not a saint and I'm not the crazy rebel...I may be the black sheep but I am tame by most standards. These kids are getting knocked up, trying to get married (without even being able to DRIVE), and just all out going crazy. I like the mystery, drama, relationships, and friendship of Pretty Little Liars. I feel so bad for Hanna right now and I cannot believe who was waiting in the hall outside of Ezra's apartment! I guess I'll just have to wait until next week!

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