Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ladies Night

I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS WEEKEND! It is going to be a girls weekend of non-stop FUN! I love my this weekend is going to ROCK.

Relationships: Hmmmm...I've made very good friends with my recent books selections from Half Priced books. I also got a letter from my friend out in VT. I'm super excited to finally write my letters in French and send them off to my Professor and BFF! I got to see some of my host family from Scotland this last weekend. That was so nice. There were so many other people there all vying for their attention. I miss them all - I can't wait until I can afford to see them again in Scotland!

Health: I apparently still have an ear infection. For Goodness Sakes - it has been almost a month now and I've been on two different antibiotics. I don't know what else I can do! I am also contemplating eliminating as much meat from my diet as possible. I don't know how well this will work since I am a girl that craves the bloody taste of red meat :D YUM! I guess we'll see what I decide to end up doing.

Career: My job is going really well. I'm just starting out, but I've got so many plans for the future!

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