Sunday, August 28, 2011

Movie Weekend

So I watched several movies this weekend. I watched Angels and Demons, Robin Hood, and The Conspirator.

To start, The Conspirator is about the trial of Mary Surratt. She is charged with conspiring to murder the President, Vice President, and the Secretary of State. Her boarding house was used as a meeting point and her son's involvement in the plot had led her to the court room. Frederick Aiken (Jame McAvoy - sigh) is a Union Captain and lawyer. He gets caught up in her trail and decides to pursue the case because the military tribunal is a violation of Mary Surratt's rights as a civilian.

It is a BRILLIANT movie. I loved every minute of it...and I watched it twice. I feel so bad for Frederick who is honestly trying to defend the rights he had sacrificed years of his life fighting for those freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. The movie was filled with some pretty noticeable actors (at least from my movie background - Jenny from Forrest Gump, Lucy from Across the Universe, U.S. Grant and Artemus Gordon from Wild Wild West, Murphy from The Boondock Saints, and Rory from Gilmore Girls - not to mention James :D ).

Angels and Demons was really interesting. Is it weird that I still find Tom Hanks hot? I'm super glad he passed on his hotness to Colin Hanks as well! Anyways - Tom plays Professor Robert Langdon again. Maybe it is his intelligence in this role that really gets me...but then again, I've ALWAYS loved Tom Hanks. I mean, he is TOM HANKS! He's kind of like Paul Newman. Yet again, back to the story line - four preferitti (I have no idea on the spelling or whether or not that is a title and needs to be capitalized) are kidnapped and threatened by the Illuminati. The Pope has recently died and the Conclave is having trouble deciding on whom to elect when the four preferitti are being murdered hour after hour. Of course, to make matters worse, anti-matter has been stolen and is being used as a bomb threat on the Vatican. The Camerlengo (Ewan McGregor - yet another hot Scot!) is trying to lead the Vatican through this hard time and protect the people. Twits and turns ensue but Robert Langdon is able to solve the mystery and save the day!

It was a pretty interesting story - with beautiful scenery of Italy. It was super interesting and totally worth staying up until 1am! There isn't too much more to say on the matter, except: Watch It!

The next movie I watched was Robin Hood. It tells the pre-story to Robin Hood. Robin Longstride escapes the Crusades after the death of Richard the Lionhearted with some friends: Will Scarlett, Little John, and Alan A'Dale. They end up being the ones that bring the crown back to the Tower of London, impersonating Knights. They end up taking Sir Robert Loxley's sword back to his father in Nottingham. There, Robin is persuaded to stay and pretend to be Robert Loxley. There are invading French to fight off, wild boys in the woods to worry about, and the greedy church and crown to deal with. The end of the movie is the beginning of Robin Hood's story as an outlaw living in the woods.

I really liked this movie too. Watched this one twice too...if you couldn't tell, I didn't have a lot to do this weekend. I liked that this story gave a different side to Robin Hood. I do think this is one of the better stories about Robin Hood; however, I think the best story of Robin Hood is Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I began to wonder after a while if Little John was one of the creepy brothers from Smokin' Aces...yup, yup he was. Anyways...I am off for some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. You've talked about James enough. Seriously, where are the hair pictures you promised? Come on, he's emasculated by the hormones so just get one with the hair pictures. & seriously gross about the old dude. Ugh.
