Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Twist and Curl

Today I set up meetings and met with a bunch of people to discuss car loans. O. M. G. Talk about all over my head. The only loan I've ever signed for was my student loan for Scotland. It is so crazy...and I'm sure the loan agent can see you comin' from a mile away. Oi! Let's see if I can make it through all the meetings I have scheduled for this week.

Anyways, my sisters attacked me the other morning and did my hair in the "Bohemian Style" that is shown in the video below. It was really cute and I had some amazing curls the next day. It was worth the 5 minutes of torture, but I don't think I can do the twist by myself. I am one of the least coordinated and dexterous people there is out there and the twist would take me a whole lot more than 5 minutes!

I'm looking forward to trying out this, I just haven't been able to find a loose elastic headband to use. I'm also kind of worried about it getting all tangled. My hair easily tangles and this looks like it just might be hell. Someone did suggest in the comments to use a cotton strip of cloth the you can untie in the back.

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