Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Straight Creepin'

Today I was creeped out. There are way too many creepers in the world. The place I work, is off the main drag. You have to purposely drive there. Well someone pulled into the parking lot, facing the building, towards the back of the building...perfectly parked so they could view me through the door as I filed. They sat there for about 30 minutes and I know they saw me notice them! I walked to the door and looked to see if anyone was there...and then I saw some movement. There was enough of a glare on the window that all I really saw of them was the red McDonalds french fry box and their movements. I was extremely creeped out. Who in the world DOES THAT? I was talking to my boss - getting his address so I could pick up his mail - and when I looked back up, the car was gone. I was so happy that I had decided to lock the place up at 5 but still stay and file in the back...completely locked in! I swear, creepers can find me through BUILDINGS now. They can find me in the whole of the Versailles gardens and in the whole of Wisconsin...they find me. I swear, I must have an innocence beacon or something that makes creepers pick up on me. I don't know if this person was a man or a woman, but the sat and watched me while they ate. Stupid Silver Toyota >.< and it's passenger.

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