Monday, June 27, 2011

Big Brother, Little Brother

I haven't finished a book in the last week. I am currently working on The Intellectual Devotional by David S. Kidder and Noah D. Oppenheim, 1984 by George Orwell, and A Thousand Years of Vice in London by Fergus Linnane. Most of these books are filling my general knowledge brain segment. Just about everyone in my family, and those who know me well, will be able to tell you that that part of my brain is brimming with knowledge. They call it useless crap, but I find it fascinating that people's noses used to fall off because of the "clap" and it's mercury treatments and that Galileo had to bastard daughters that became nuns.

I am really enjoying 1984. The imagery can be a little blatant - big brother's description is awfully like Stalin (the description isn't like the guy pictured above) and the main character's name is Winston...he happens to have a little problem with Oceania (what the UK becomes under "Big Brother" rule) and it's current rule. It is a very interesting novel and I hope to finish it soon - hopefully, since my second set of headphones got lost this weekend. I am too nice - I let my little brother borrow them to watch a movie and they disappeared! Oi!

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