There isn't much to say tonight other than I am elated to now be employed!!!!!! It is interesting learning a lot of the Chiropractic and health aspects that I need to have a basic knowledge of - needless to say, I doubt I will be eating a potatoe or drinking soda ever again. I might switch over to a completely organic, zero processed foods diet. I thought it was interesting to learn about the aspartame and how it is linked to neurological diseases and how these two things can be linked to Michael J. Fox. Apparently on an anniversary of his supporting Diet Pepsi (a brand that uses aspartame as a sweetener) was the day he revealed his struggle with Parkinson's (a neurological disorder). I think I'm ripping every can of Diet Pepsi, or any soda for that matter, out of my dad's hands from now on! I don't want to have to stick him in a nursing home, but I don't want to be helping him around when he can't remember who I am or who he is, but I'm sure his body will still remember how good Diet Pepsi tastes.

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