Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Whirlwind Storms and R.B.I.s

I am so tired tonight and my mind after several days of training has my brain on empty. My brain is exhausted! Learning all the steps of my new job, learning names, and then coming home to help with the cooking and sewing! I suck at sewing and I have been helping lately. It's probably a good thing I only had to help sew the straps and then turn them right side out. I am too tired to write about some of the ideas I have pinging around my head. I'm too tired for proper sentences to be formed, let alone some sort of discussion or argument coming across in a proper manner.

My bed is calling despite the piles I need to go through and clean up: piles of papers, piles of clothes to be put away, blankets to be refolded, piles of papers to be read. I am ready for my mind to have a break and simply listen to the wonderfulness of Gilbert Blythe. "It's a nice story-book image."

I am also currently annoying my rather by calling Ryan Braun: "J.J." cuz a while back J.J. Hardy was the heart throb of Milwaukee Brewers baseball. I've now taken to calling him: "R.B. Eyes" - hahahaha! He can't help it that he's got bug eyes - he's not quite like my brother's Boston terrier and he's not deformed...they just are very prominent. I love the play on words - he does have a ton of RBIs (Runners Batted In) this year and it works with his initials and looks. I am surprised no sports caster or announcer has come up with that nickname yet.

It's horribly hilarious that just as I was about to post this, the power went out. I had to get candles for my dad and I who were in the pitch black basement. It was unsure if the power would come back on at all and I am going to finish here quickly so I don't lose everything all over again.

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