Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let's Go Manifest Something

Olivia, on Jerseylicious, believes in manifesting things off a dream board. I actually thought about making a "dream" board/"goal" board. Covering it with the things that I want out of life and the goals I want to achieve. I am hoping to get this done soon; however, it has been on my to do list for a probably didn't help that a couple of the things I had cut out got masticated (just chewed, not swallowed) by my little nephew. I'm just really happy he didn't chew on my clipping of Mumford and Sons (goal to see them as many times as I possible can). Who knows, I'm hoping doing this will help give me some direction in my life and goals worth working towards.

Relationships: I have new co-workers now. I'm so excited. I already love my Chiropractor and the other office lady. I think we are all going to get along well. Still no glimmer of a romantic relationship, but hey, who knows what may happen in the future.

Health is ok. I didn't get in a "workout", but I spent a lot of time out gardening and riding my bike around doing errands. So not much improvement, but I'm hoping that I can get into a new routine with my new job soon. I have learned a lot about health in the training stuff I've been given to read/watch for work. I already found something in my mom's cupboard called "Flavor Enhancer" and it was straight MSG.

Career is a huge improvement! I am now employed. THANK YOU JESUS! I'm going to see if I can get a second job to supplement hours since I only work about 32 hours a week and I don't have any kind of benefits. I'm not too worried since laws changed and I can apparently loaf around on my parents insurance until I am 27. My employers are completely supportive of further education and continued educational growth, so maybe this will give me some room to look into a grad degree. I'm also excited that the 3 day weekend will allow me some time to work on my writing.

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