Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can I get some Honey?

This thirsty Thursday can also go down as tuckered out Thursday. By the end of my work week I am so exhausted...I can hardly stand it. It seems like my bed time gets earlier and earlier and I keep hitting the snooze later and later! I really do like my job, but it can be exhausting going 9 hours straight.

Relationships - well, I am happy to say that I'm going to be able to stay home this weekend without running 9 million places. I'm excited to see some of my friends and just chill. It will be nice after 2 weekends of driving and bridal parties. I had a lot of fun this last weekend seeing a lot of my family. I got to spend quite a bit of time with my grandparents and my Honey. I think she spent most of the time I was there on my lap. My shirt was just COVERED in hair the first day. I ended up brushing her out for my grandparents - that German Sheppard/Rottweiler hair is so thick. I think I brushed her for 20 minutes and I could have gone another 20 without really making a dent in the amount of hair she had just falling off. We also got to watch home movies while we were there. Wow - some of those should be burned...and some are so cute! I especially loved some of my brother's fashion choices in 1991 (cropped polo, blue jeans with a huge belt buckle) and our all-over dorkiness.

Health - I can say I have read and watched more about health than I have actually done toward becoming more healthy. I did, though, discover that chopped strawberries and a dash of cinnamon in a bowl of applesauce is delicious and full of anti-oxidants!

Career - I am beginning to love my job. It was a lot of pressure and a lot of stress the first week. I honestly didn't know if I could do the job, but now I'm becoming more comfortable and relaxed around the office and my daily duties. I think this is going to be a really fun and interesting job. Today, my co-worker suggested to my boss that he should set me up! Lol - just what I need! I did get offered any of the single guys that walk through the door (oh yeah...what an awesome deal *note the sarcasm).

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