Sunday, July 31, 2011

Powder the Unknown

I love Powder. Sean Patrick Flanery is beyond amazing. And the movie contains two of my favorite men of all time: Sean Patrick Flanery and Jeff Goldblum. The movie is not a "Feel Good" kind of movie, but I can't seem to stop watching it. Sean's performance is so little brother was even glued to the screen.

Anyways - my sister and I got Unknown to watch the other night. Liam Neeson is so awesome. The story line was basically the same as The Bourne Identity, but Liam Neeson is way better at kicking ass than Matt Damon. I don't really have to go into much plot detail, but here it goes: Liam goes to Berlin wife his wife for a conference and he forgets his briefcase at the airport, he begins to return to the airport and gets in a car accident, loses parts of his memory, tries to figure out what happened, his wife pretends not to know him, someone else has taken over his life, and he begins to unravel all the numerous clues that lead to his ultimate revelation...and he isn't who he thinks he is! Duh, duh, duh! All mixed in with numerous assassination attempts and butt kicking scenes. I liked this movie better than The Bourne Identity and I think it might have to do with my preference for Liam. It isn't that the other movie isn't good or the acting is bad...none of those reasons - Liam is just better in the spy/assassin role. Have you seen Taken? He's just amazing. 'Nuff said! We were laughing and joking today, talking about how Liam Neeson is older than our dad but WAY HOT! Dad claimed that Liam was just as hot as he is...and, of course, we all agreed! :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Balancing Out

I just finished balancing my checkbook and writing out checks to pay bills! Oi! After this I am heading home to a nice warm bath and my new Shape magazine. I spent until about midnight 30 cleaning up that place and watching Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story. Then I got to chase my nephew around the apartment this morning. I had to keep giving him kissies!!!!

Relationships: Tomorrow my family expands by one. My brother is getting married to one awesome chick! I'm happy to have her as ma belle soeur.

Health: I have had a middle ear infection all week and now the meds have begun to rip through my stomach. My ear feels better, I just have a stomach ache that comes and goes along with chills. I went tanning for the first time today. I was hoping I might get a spray tan, but the girl who does it is in Las Vegas. I am going again tomorrow. I prefer to be my pasty self, but I would really prefer not to have legs and upper arms a different shade than my lower arms for my brother's wedding.

Career: I GOT MY CHIROPRACTIC CERTIFICATION this week. I am so happy. It was one long weekend! And I had to sit through a 2 1/2 hour class to learn how to use hot and cold packs, take a test, and pass that in order to be able to have certification for using those therapies in the clinic. I also took: Checking vitals, Initial Interviews, Electrotherapy, Phototherapy, and traction. I get to play with these next week while everyone is gone on vacation. This next week of work without anyone (patients or other staff, just me) is going to be heaven. I'm going to be cleaning, doing paperwork, etc.

Now off for some relaxing before I leave tomorrow for the wedding!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Mole's Mid-Summer Cleaning!

Tonight I am working on cleaning up my needs to get clean. My nephew is coming to spend the night with me!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm excited his mommy is coming with him though. I love his mommy lots! to get back to the cleaning and rearranging! Peace out!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


So my vintage attempts took one further step this weekend. I had a break between classes and I went and got my nails done. It took me about 10 minutes to explain what a reverse manicure is and then they charged me 10 extra dollars. I got a stunning red with white "tips." Much like Dita is sporting in this picture below.

After enduring the extreme comfort and hospitality at the salon...ha! I left with my completed reverse manicure. I am in love with the manicure...not so much the place I got it done at. The men would huddle over the lady's shoulder, watching, commenting, altering the price, and then asking if I had paid (all in whatever Asian language they were speaking). It's probably the reason why I was the only one in the place. Below is a tutorial for you to attempt your own reverse if you don't feel like the salon price! I just wanted something really nice for my brother's wedding.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Do you have any idea how much water that would be?

I have started reading Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's the story of an older man reliving his time in the circus. Jacob, now between 90 and 93 (he can't decide how old he really is), starts thinking on his life as a young man when a circus suddenly pops up just outside of his nursing home. He was in an Ivy League school for veterinarian medicine; however, a terrible accident leaves him all alone in the world and without a cent to his name. He somehow finds himself aboard a circus train one night and ends up staying on as the circus vet. His life gets tangled up with August and Marlena and Rosie. Life is one great big adventure on the circus!

I am really liking this book. Some of the graphic details could have been left out. And I really didn't need to know what an 8 pager was or who some of the characters in those might be; I'll never look at Popeye or Olive Oyl the same! The back and forth between the present and the past has always been a favorite format to read. I love the history and all the details of the entertainment of the past. Circuses now days are a whole lot more depressing to go to. I am anxious to finish the book. I have a little bit left to read, but I was really busy with the conference this weekend. I'd try to get a chapter in every night before bed, but I was and still am exhausted from this weekend. Who knew sitting so much could make you so sore and tired!?!?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Rango Round Up

Last night I watched Rango! I was really kind of excited to see it since the previews used a Mumford and Sons song. I awaited anxiously, hoping that they might play the song in the movie. Alas, no such luck.

The movie follows "Rango," a pet lizard that gets lost in the desert. Rango has aspirations of being an actor and director and writer and everything. An accident lands him in the desert and he is driven to find water. His quest for water leads him to the town of Dirt. The setting of Dirt allows him the freedom to be whomever he so desires. He makes up elaborate stories of bravery and is made the sheriff of Dirt. It turns out that Dirt is running out of water. The precious resource of the desert: control over water is power. The banks store of water is stolen and Rango and a posse set out to recover the lost water. Rango ends up exposed as a liar and leaves...only to discover the truth.

I really liked the movie. Some of the humor was HILARIOUS. I loved the fact that Rango molts like 3 times the second he lands in the desert. There were lots of links to old west movies. I didn't understand too many of them since I'm not really a westerns kind of girl. My parents grew up when westerns were still really popular and they were able to understand a lot of the plot similarities. The use of words and story lines were phenomenal. Johnny Depp did an amazing job. Rango is kind of like Jack Sparrow in the fact that his speech often uses really elaborate words, word play, and distractions. This leaves everyone else scratching their heads but agreeing. The visuals in the movie were great, and I loved the appearance of "Clint Eastwood" as the "Spirit of the West." His gold cart full of Oscars and other various bits was extremely entertaining. It was a really cute movie and it was well worth the trip to the Redbox!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Drama in New Jersey!

Well gosh. I got home last night and realized I hadn't written. I spent all day in a conference and then went shopping with my mom for the church thing we have going on next weekend. We honestly walked out with 4 carts. I then spent most of the night working on taking blood pressures and watching Jerseylicious.

I can't believe there are people who live like that. I love them, but really, they make their lives so much more drama than need be! If you went to a club and there was someone there you didn't like or want to be around...just LEAVE! There is no need to go starting a fight. Even if the one person walks up and says hi, let's be cool...don't turn it into a screaming fight/brawl. I don't know why people seem to add more stress to their lives with frivolous drama! Treat others as you want to be treated - Golden Rule. You'd think they'd by ashamed by the way they are acting on television. I would never want anyone to see me acting like that, let alone the global population.

I'm not going to write too much more. It honestly frustrates me that people are so ridiculous and I have to be up early again tomorrow morning. I'm still having HBP because I'm having issues taking BP...sad to admit, but I'm even having trouble finding a pulse sometimes! Oi. I understand the concept and what it should be at but I can't quite seem to get it. Besides, how do I know if my answer is right or wrong! I have no way of knowing if I am doing it right and getting a correct reading or if I am just kind of guessing. So that fills you in on how my career is going at the moment. Relationships - meh! Health - Oi! Some more sleep might help! I'm off!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

That's Nice

I got my ears adjusted again today, and I honestly have to say that I haven't had much pain. Last night they still hurt, but this morning they felt better. Around mid-morning they began to hurt again and I needed to take some more pills. They feel much better after he adjusted my ears again this afternoon.

Tonight, I just want to blather about compliments. I absolutely hate when people qualify a compliment or somehow make it not a compliment. "Oh, you have such a nice figure! It would be even better if you went for a walk every day...the weight would just come right off!" or "You are a pretty girl. I don't think you realize how pretty you are! I wouldn't say beautiful, but pretty. Not unless you got really glammed up." I know they say that bad news or something is easier to take when you've been complimented, but personally I would just prefer if you shut your mouth. Why even bother complimenting someone if you are going to tear them down with your next breath? Why can't you just say: "you are really pretty today" or "your legs look AMAZING"? I think rude compliments and snippy remarks are part of the modern passive aggressive lifestyle. I've been getting snippy comments lately and it really is starting to annoy me: "Oh, you're doing that, I usually do that right away." It usually comes when someone hasn't been actually listening to what I am saying or they just talk. Case in point, I was doing something a second time because the first time, right away, garnered no response. I'm kind of getting sick of passive aggressive and uber polite society. I'm not for a completely blunt society, but if we didn't say things we didn't mean or just spew worthless words...we'd all be a whole lot better off.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I think you need to have your ears adjusted!

Last night, I felt the onset of a lovely earache! I took some pills and went back to bed. Today, I dealt with the pain and my boss, a chiropractor decided to look into my ears. He said they looked ok, but was going to adjust my ears to help with the pain. It was so weird. I had no idea that your ears could be adjusted, but he pulled on my ears until I felt it burn and then he popped my ear. I need to have it done again tomorrow, but it did temporarily relieve the pain. I still have some ear pain when I swallow but things don't get fixed, even with pills, overnight. Some tea, a few Advil, a little bit of reading and another good nights sleep might help a lot. I slept about 11 hours last night! I pretty much just passed out last night. Might do the same tonight!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Such Pretty Liars

I listened to Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard while driving home yesterday. I am a huge fan and addict of the show, so I was really happy to finally see that I was next in line to get the book. The book is about of group of friends that are bonded by secrets and the glowing Ali. She is like a siren, not really the best person to be around, but always fun...and sometimes that fun leads to disasters. The girls break apart after 7th grade; after the night Ali goes missing. Aria moves to Iceland with her family, Hannah becomes skinny and popular, Spencer becomes more "perfect," and Emily has her swimming. Three years after the disappearance of Ali, the girls all end up back in Rosewood. They begin to get creepy messages from someone named A. The messages all hold secrets that only there best friend Ali could know. Ali is soon discovered and the girls become united once again; not for the greatest of reasons.

I liked the book, but I think the show might be a little better in my mind. I like that Emily doesn't have so many siblings; however, I find it interesting that in the book Emily only likes swimming because it is the "family sport" and everyone in her family is a star swimmer. Aria and Ezra's relationship is a little more interesting. Their relationship is more PG in the show and more R in the books. There is a lot of drama in the book that gets glossed over. I'm surprised that they didn't touch the eating disorder with Hannah and instead chose to have her transformation come through several summers of fat camp. I did enjoy this book! It was a good listen. I can't wait until tomorrow for the show!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Voldemort Eats It

Wow, I didn't write on Friday yet AGAIN! I would have just written about POTTER! So, I guess I'll do that today, since it is Cinema Sunday! My brother went two times this weekend to see it. I spent a fun weekend after Potter craziness up north, walking barefoot in the fields and picking wild flowers with my Honey (my grandparent's German Shepard/Rottweiler mix). We went flower picking after I had tired her out running (she probably did 5x the running I did, all the loops around me she had to make, so it isn't hard to see why she was the one to first call quits). I also got extra dirty running around barefoot on the baseball diamond with my nephew! His face upon stepping on to the field was priceless! He got this giddy expression and started stomping the dirt. I guess he liked the feeling of it.

Speaking of stomping the earth. I was having a vivid daydream today: walking across the Scottish Highlands in a flowing white dress and the cool damp earth squishing between my toes. Hey, I was bored and it there is anything Harry Potter makes me wish for more than a magical community, it would be the Highlands. The views in Harry Potter make me LONG for Scotland. It practically takes my breath away. The movies are visually stunning and the scenery is breath taking.

This movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, is the final installment of the Harry Potter series. The end of an era! I can't believe that I didn't want to read or watch the movies until after I had been forced to watch the first movie...I fell in love! It was much like Lord of the Rings for me. My parents finally made me sit down and watch I am forever falling asleep with Legolas (he's my pillowcase)! The final movie follows the battle for Hogwarts and the end of Voldemort. I'm not even really sure what else to say about the movie - the acting was PHENOMENAL and the images were just stunning. Helena Bonham Carter did an amazing job acting as Hermione; such a vast difference from Bellatrix and Hermione disguised as Bellatrix. Neville Longbottom, you rock! One of my favorite parts was when he shouts: "Oh yeah, you and what army!" I could have peed my pants! The movie was a mix of laughs and bawling like a little baby! I tried to keep the crying to a minimum, but I knew I wasn't the only one when I heard the wangsters/punks behind me SOBBING! They weren't just a little crying, they were blubbering! Alan Rickman, as Snape - one of the best combinations EVER! I love Alan Rickman and his death as Snape had my vision going blurry! I think I cried more with the book than the movie, mostly because I was expecting it. I'm going to have to go back and read all the books now! They are so amazing and they give me a piece of home...yes, I realize I am not native to the UK, but I belong there just as much as tea and crumpets do!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Potter Mania and Coffee

I am about to head over to the theater with my brother for HARRY POTTER. I am, as stated last night, really excited. My intake of coffee has me a little hyper about it too. One of my friends had a friend showing up to the theater at 6pm. WHAT? That is insane!

Relationships: My fire alarm and I aren't on speaking terms right now. He decided to be a pain and go off this morning because he had a low battery! I just ripped the battery out of it and left him lying on the floor. Love isn't on the menu and I still have about 5 or so postcards to write out. My great uncle is also coming to visit this week and I could pee my pants with excitement. I love him so much and he's always so much fun to have around.

Health: I got my 2nd round of test results on my Vitamin D and cholesterol - I'm doing well. I've also done my 8 Min. Abs several times this week. Ouch did I hurt for a while. I can say that my heart was under recent stress as I worked on filling out a budget! I hate money sometimes, but I'm at least staying out of the red!

Career: I am feeling nice and settled in my current job and I'm looking forward to starting writing. One of my friends has a writing group and I'm excited to finally get some of the ideas I have out onto paper to see what he thinks.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So much excitement

I am getting excited and nervous this week. Next week I work, then a full weekend of Chiropractic Assistant training, another 4 days of work, and then my brother's wedding! It's such an intense time! I'm excited for so many good things to be happening. My Great Uncle Rod, who is great, is coming to visit this coming week and that has me all excited too! The rest of July is just going to fly right by!

The other thing I'm super excited about is HARRY POTTER! I'm taking my little brother to the midnight showing for his birthday. It's going to be lots of fun; however, I am going to be so tired on Friday. Both of us are going to skip the 3D option so we both don't leave with migraines.

There isn't too much else on my mind tonight. I've got books to read, movies to watch, budgets to plan, and a house to clean and finish unpacking everything!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


My sister is telling me to write about something that is funny. The only funny thing I can think of that happened recently was a lady today told me she needed to use the "litter box." That was the first time I have ever heard a human being reference the bathroom as the "litter box." :D

This Tuesday I tested out Glade Carpet and Room Freshener. I really like the stuff. It is the one cleaning product I really really like! I spread it out on all my carpets and let it sit for a little bit, then vacuum it up and away. My apartment smelled a million times better than it did before! That stuff is a God send. My apartment smelled musty and nasty before I used it, and now my place smells like Fresh Linen. It is the only scent that I could really stand being in my whole house. I did find my "Sexy Man" candle yesterday! I think I spent a minute or so just deeply inhaling - and yes, that is actually a candle scent. Technically, I think it is called "Black Tie" but I think it smells like sexy man... so that is what I call it! That's a big joke between me and my family. My grandma asked me what I thought Clark Gable smelled like and I said: Sexy Man...she told me it was more like dirt about now! So then my sister bought me a candle that smelled like sexy man. Honestly one of the best gifts EVER! So I guess this testy Tuesday is just all about the scents :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

American History!

I've been reading more history recently! This time, it is America's Hidden History by Kenneth C. Davis. The book covers the very beginning of the states to....I'm not quite sure. I have just gotten to the signing of the treaty in Yorktown.

It's really interesting to learn that the first woman memorialized in a statue in the U.S. is of a settler who was captured and then freed herself by killing the whole family of Native Americans that had taken her captive. Her statue has her carrying away their scalps! Ick! It's also interesting to note that the Spanish and French were fighting in the state before the British ever arrived. Queen Isabella suggested that pigs be brought to the New World and this was also used as a way for Spaniards to prove that they weren't secretly practicing Judaism. Another interesting historical tidbit; a guy planning to start a riot to distract from the assassination attempt taking place at the 5 year memorial service of the Boston Massacre fell on his way to the service - breaking a bone and the egg he was supposed to throw and start the fighting. We probably wouldn't have John Hancock's big signature on our declaration if that guy hadn't fallen! Kenneth Davis has an interesting look at George Washington and his life as well. I find it really interesting - all the ways a single person can change history...just by falling!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Riding Away from Red

Woops...I missed writing on Friday since I was in Illinois making wedding favors. At least while I was gluing, I was able to get a movie in! It wasn't worth it though. We watched Red Riding Hood and my brain needs a scrubbing!

The movie takes place in "pagan" times/the early church movement. I assume this since they were mixing pagan and religious practices throughout the movie. There is a wolf that begins killing villagers despite the fact that the town has been making offerings to the wolf to avoid the loss of life. A hunting party is then formed and they decide to track down the wolf and kill it. This all takes place along side Valerie's (Amanda Seyfried) desperate plight for true love with Peter(Shiloh Fernandez) and not her betrothed, Henry (Max Irons). Word gets out about the village's troubles and so Solomon (Gary Oldman), an experienced Werewolf hunter with God's help ends up sticking his nose in the city affairs. Valerie can understand the wolf - it speaks to her - and so she is convicted of witchcraft and offered up as an offering to the wolf. Tra la la la...the wolf is killed, love endures...blah blah.

The movie was painfully horrible. The celebration of the wolf's death was a mix of walking across burning coals, grinding/swing dancing (I wouldn't be surprised if they had added a May Pole and had done a few stripper moves), horrible dialect (despite the listed dialect coach), and cheesy everything! I wasn't the only one who thought this movie was beyond ridiculous. Personally, I would have chosen Henry over Peter, but oh well. I guess you can't help love, even when it turns out to be something evil. It seems like they made the ending to be a play off the Twilight series! Gag! Oh...wait, yeah - the same person directed Twilight. It was honestly the biggest waste of time EVER! So much so that we watched the end of Troy after and thought it was interesting.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get to Work

Well, I am so utterly exhausted. This week has been crazy busy at work and crazy busy life wise. I have been moving things and cleaning and unpacking! I have lists a mile long...of things I need to do and things I need to buy! The Scotch in me is having a panic attack at the idea of spending so much money.

Relationships: I have kind of been a hermit lately, but this weekend I'm heading down to my brother's place. I'm excited to see him and his fiancee and hang out while making wedding favors. I recently got to hang out with one of my besties from high school.

Health: hahaha...yeah, I'll get back to you on that!

Career: I met with the business counselor at work today. He is a really nice guy and he actually really encouraged me to write. I'm hoping once I get settled and have some time, I'll be able to work on the story that's been running in my head. We'll see, I guess!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Scotland the Brave

I didn't write yesterday. I feel horrible, but I realized that I hadn't written after I got to my new apartment. I don't have internet at my place and I did not feel like driving back to my parents house to write something. Testy Tuesday was mostly me getting testy with double sided sticky tape and cupboard liner! I did get most of it done, I still have a few to go after I run to the store and buy a few more liner rolls. It is well worth being testy for a while and taking the time to clean your scissors of all the sticky!

Today's say what goes out to Brave. One of the guys I know from high school posted the trailer for this movie and I am SUPER EXCITED. It probably didn't help that my Shape magazine had a travel suggestion to Edinburgh and then I looked through my Scotland scrapbook the other day! I have Scotland on the mind...well, on the heart. It literally pains me to think about Scotland and my not being there. Anyways, Princesses, Scotland, tartan, fairies, drama - what isn't to love about this movie...well, the release date isn't that rockin'! It doesn't come out until the Summer of 2012. At least that's before the world is going to end!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Click Clack went the Needles

I read The Art of Fair Isle Knitting by Ann Feitelson. It is pretty interesting to learn about the Shetland and Fair Isle knitting. I like to knit and I love Scotland. I love Orkney and Shetland Isles. I got to go to the two main islands of both and fell in love. I would honestly love to live there. I think I'd begin to miss trees, but I think I'd be comforted chasing sheepies around. I seriously don't know why I am obsessed with sheep. Anyways, the book talks about the development of knitting in these areas and how it was never really for a past time, but work. Many women had to supplement their incomes with their knitting. The past patterns, techniques, and theories of where the patterns came from were quite interesting. There are stories that the "Shetland" or "Fair Isle" patterns come from the Spanish Armada or Norway. According to Ann, the patterns of the Shetlands seem to be unique to them, although with Shetland being a busy harbor, many other nations could have influenced patterns. There are/were some women that could look at a sweater on another person and immediately map out the pattern in there heads...not me! Yikes! I found this book really interesting and I am ready to break out my knitting needles! I also miss the islands - so pretty, like the photo below!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sex and the City 2

I finally watched Sex and the City 2. It was hilarious. The girls end up going to the Middle East...and let's just say, the Middle East isn't ready for the 4 ladies of New York city. I like Sex and the City because it can be so witty and out there. I loved Stanford's wedding to Anthony. I love that Liza Minnelli was in it! As if the swans weren't enough or the show tunes! One of my favorite witty lines was about the nanny from Ireland: "Erin go bra-less!" Big and Carrie and Charlotte and Harry seem to be hitting some marriage problems and Miranda is having work trouble and Samantha is dealing with her sex problems and the problems sex causes. I like the movies, because the girls all help each other through there hard times. They are a best friend truth squad: you kiss your ex while away from your husband; what do you do? Do you think my husband will pull a Jude Law? Why does my boss hate me? I'm beginning to think girl talk can change the world!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Passing Daisies

Wow, I can't believe I forgot to write the other day! I pretty much passed out after about 11 hours of working. It was a crazy busy day too - everybody wanted to see the Dr. before the long weekend...and also after the long weekend. We already have a ton of people scheduled! I'm going to be wiped out.

Relationships: No man has swept me off my feet yet, but I have gotten to meet a lot of sweet people lately. Who knows what the future holds!

Health: I have ridden my bike to work every day this week. I even rode around to do my errands and pick up my little brother from school today. It has finally been sunny and not rainy - so I got a chance to ride. Not my new bike, of course, it had to go and blow a tire. I only rode the thing once and then the next time I went to ride it...the back tire was flat. I had my dad blow it up again and this time it appeared the tire was bent into the matter what was wrong, the point is the stupid thing wouldn't even budge an inch! Long story short, my tire apparently blew and now I'm taking the warrantied piece of junk back to the store! I'm probably going to get some heavy lifting and stairs in this weekend too - yeah for moving out!

Career: I wonder if it is sad that I still hold on to my dreams of being a future writer and living in a croft in Scotland some day. I think I need to stop hoping and praying and working towards that dream.

Today's celebrity news had more to do with my recent obsession than anything else. Lee Pace plays Ned in Pushing Daisies and I am super excited that he is going to be in the next Twilight saga movie and in the upcoming Hobbit movie. I am beyond ecstatic. He is going to make dealing with Kristen Stewart...yet again...a little more bearable. I can't wait! I also think I'm going to have to add Pushing Daisies to my DVD collection!