Sunday, July 17, 2011

Voldemort Eats It

Wow, I didn't write on Friday yet AGAIN! I would have just written about POTTER! So, I guess I'll do that today, since it is Cinema Sunday! My brother went two times this weekend to see it. I spent a fun weekend after Potter craziness up north, walking barefoot in the fields and picking wild flowers with my Honey (my grandparent's German Shepard/Rottweiler mix). We went flower picking after I had tired her out running (she probably did 5x the running I did, all the loops around me she had to make, so it isn't hard to see why she was the one to first call quits). I also got extra dirty running around barefoot on the baseball diamond with my nephew! His face upon stepping on to the field was priceless! He got this giddy expression and started stomping the dirt. I guess he liked the feeling of it.

Speaking of stomping the earth. I was having a vivid daydream today: walking across the Scottish Highlands in a flowing white dress and the cool damp earth squishing between my toes. Hey, I was bored and it there is anything Harry Potter makes me wish for more than a magical community, it would be the Highlands. The views in Harry Potter make me LONG for Scotland. It practically takes my breath away. The movies are visually stunning and the scenery is breath taking.

This movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, is the final installment of the Harry Potter series. The end of an era! I can't believe that I didn't want to read or watch the movies until after I had been forced to watch the first movie...I fell in love! It was much like Lord of the Rings for me. My parents finally made me sit down and watch I am forever falling asleep with Legolas (he's my pillowcase)! The final movie follows the battle for Hogwarts and the end of Voldemort. I'm not even really sure what else to say about the movie - the acting was PHENOMENAL and the images were just stunning. Helena Bonham Carter did an amazing job acting as Hermione; such a vast difference from Bellatrix and Hermione disguised as Bellatrix. Neville Longbottom, you rock! One of my favorite parts was when he shouts: "Oh yeah, you and what army!" I could have peed my pants! The movie was a mix of laughs and bawling like a little baby! I tried to keep the crying to a minimum, but I knew I wasn't the only one when I heard the wangsters/punks behind me SOBBING! They weren't just a little crying, they were blubbering! Alan Rickman, as Snape - one of the best combinations EVER! I love Alan Rickman and his death as Snape had my vision going blurry! I think I cried more with the book than the movie, mostly because I was expecting it. I'm going to have to go back and read all the books now! They are so amazing and they give me a piece of home...yes, I realize I am not native to the UK, but I belong there just as much as tea and crumpets do!

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