Last night I watched Rango! I was really kind of excited to see it since the previews used a Mumford and Sons song. I awaited anxiously, hoping that they might play the song in the movie. Alas, no such luck.
The movie follows "Rango," a pet lizard that gets lost in the desert. Rango has aspirations of being an actor and director and writer and everything. An accident lands him in the desert and he is driven to find water. His quest for water leads him to the town of Dirt. The setting of Dirt allows him the freedom to be whomever he so desires. He makes up elaborate stories of bravery and is made the sheriff of Dirt. It turns out that Dirt is running out of water. The precious resource of the desert: control over water is power. The banks store of water is stolen and Rango and a posse set out to recover the lost water. Rango ends up exposed as a liar and leaves...only to discover the truth.
I really liked the movie. Some of the humor was HILARIOUS. I loved the fact that Rango molts like 3 times the second he lands in the desert. There were lots of links to old west movies. I didn't understand too many of them since I'm not really a westerns kind of girl. My parents grew up when westerns were still really popular and they were able to understand a lot of the plot similarities. The use of words and story lines were phenomenal. Johnny Depp did an amazing job. Rango is kind of like Jack Sparrow in the fact that his speech often uses really elaborate words, word play, and distractions. This leaves everyone else scratching their heads but agreeing. The visuals in the movie were great, and I loved the appearance of "Clint Eastwood" as the "Spirit of the West." His gold cart full of Oscars and other various bits was extremely entertaining. It was a really cute movie and it was well worth the trip to the Redbox!
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