Thursday, July 28, 2011

Balancing Out

I just finished balancing my checkbook and writing out checks to pay bills! Oi! After this I am heading home to a nice warm bath and my new Shape magazine. I spent until about midnight 30 cleaning up that place and watching Anne of Green Gables the Continuing Story. Then I got to chase my nephew around the apartment this morning. I had to keep giving him kissies!!!!

Relationships: Tomorrow my family expands by one. My brother is getting married to one awesome chick! I'm happy to have her as ma belle soeur.

Health: I have had a middle ear infection all week and now the meds have begun to rip through my stomach. My ear feels better, I just have a stomach ache that comes and goes along with chills. I went tanning for the first time today. I was hoping I might get a spray tan, but the girl who does it is in Las Vegas. I am going again tomorrow. I prefer to be my pasty self, but I would really prefer not to have legs and upper arms a different shade than my lower arms for my brother's wedding.

Career: I GOT MY CHIROPRACTIC CERTIFICATION this week. I am so happy. It was one long weekend! And I had to sit through a 2 1/2 hour class to learn how to use hot and cold packs, take a test, and pass that in order to be able to have certification for using those therapies in the clinic. I also took: Checking vitals, Initial Interviews, Electrotherapy, Phototherapy, and traction. I get to play with these next week while everyone is gone on vacation. This next week of work without anyone (patients or other staff, just me) is going to be heaven. I'm going to be cleaning, doing paperwork, etc.

Now off for some relaxing before I leave tomorrow for the wedding!

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