It's really interesting to learn that the first woman memorialized in a statue in the U.S. is of a settler who was captured and then freed herself by killing the whole family of Native Americans that had taken her captive. Her statue has her carrying away their scalps! Ick! It's also interesting to note that the Spanish and French were fighting in the state before the British ever arrived. Queen Isabella suggested that pigs be brought to the New World and this was also used as a way for Spaniards to prove that they weren't secretly practicing Judaism. Another interesting historical tidbit; a guy planning to start a riot to distract from the assassination attempt taking place at the 5 year memorial service of the Boston Massacre fell on his way to the service - breaking a bone and the egg he was supposed to throw and start the fighting. We probably wouldn't have John Hancock's big signature on our declaration if that guy hadn't fallen! Kenneth Davis has an interesting look at George Washington and his life as well. I find it really interesting - all the ways a single person can change history...just by falling!
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