Wednesday, July 20, 2011

That's Nice

I got my ears adjusted again today, and I honestly have to say that I haven't had much pain. Last night they still hurt, but this morning they felt better. Around mid-morning they began to hurt again and I needed to take some more pills. They feel much better after he adjusted my ears again this afternoon.

Tonight, I just want to blather about compliments. I absolutely hate when people qualify a compliment or somehow make it not a compliment. "Oh, you have such a nice figure! It would be even better if you went for a walk every day...the weight would just come right off!" or "You are a pretty girl. I don't think you realize how pretty you are! I wouldn't say beautiful, but pretty. Not unless you got really glammed up." I know they say that bad news or something is easier to take when you've been complimented, but personally I would just prefer if you shut your mouth. Why even bother complimenting someone if you are going to tear them down with your next breath? Why can't you just say: "you are really pretty today" or "your legs look AMAZING"? I think rude compliments and snippy remarks are part of the modern passive aggressive lifestyle. I've been getting snippy comments lately and it really is starting to annoy me: "Oh, you're doing that, I usually do that right away." It usually comes when someone hasn't been actually listening to what I am saying or they just talk. Case in point, I was doing something a second time because the first time, right away, garnered no response. I'm kind of getting sick of passive aggressive and uber polite society. I'm not for a completely blunt society, but if we didn't say things we didn't mean or just spew worthless words...we'd all be a whole lot better off.

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