Thursday, July 14, 2011

Potter Mania and Coffee

I am about to head over to the theater with my brother for HARRY POTTER. I am, as stated last night, really excited. My intake of coffee has me a little hyper about it too. One of my friends had a friend showing up to the theater at 6pm. WHAT? That is insane!

Relationships: My fire alarm and I aren't on speaking terms right now. He decided to be a pain and go off this morning because he had a low battery! I just ripped the battery out of it and left him lying on the floor. Love isn't on the menu and I still have about 5 or so postcards to write out. My great uncle is also coming to visit this week and I could pee my pants with excitement. I love him so much and he's always so much fun to have around.

Health: I got my 2nd round of test results on my Vitamin D and cholesterol - I'm doing well. I've also done my 8 Min. Abs several times this week. Ouch did I hurt for a while. I can say that my heart was under recent stress as I worked on filling out a budget! I hate money sometimes, but I'm at least staying out of the red!

Career: I am feeling nice and settled in my current job and I'm looking forward to starting writing. One of my friends has a writing group and I'm excited to finally get some of the ideas I have out onto paper to see what he thinks.

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