The movie takes place in "pagan" times/the early church movement. I assume this since they were mixing pagan and religious practices throughout the movie. There is a wolf that begins killing villagers despite the fact that the town has been making offerings to the wolf to avoid the loss of life. A hunting party is then formed and they decide to track down the wolf and kill it. This all takes place along side Valerie's (Amanda Seyfried) desperate plight for true love with Peter(Shiloh Fernandez) and not her betrothed, Henry (Max Irons). Word gets out about the village's troubles and so Solomon (Gary Oldman), an experienced Werewolf hunter with God's help ends up sticking his nose in the city affairs. Valerie can understand the wolf - it speaks to her - and so she is convicted of witchcraft and offered up as an offering to the wolf. Tra la la la...the wolf is killed, love endures...blah blah.

The movie was painfully horrible. The celebration of the wolf's death was a mix of walking across burning coals, grinding/swing dancing (I wouldn't be surprised if they had added a May Pole and had done a few stripper moves), horrible dialect (despite the listed dialect coach), and cheesy everything! I wasn't the only one who thought this movie was beyond ridiculous. Personally, I would have chosen Henry over Peter, but oh well. I guess you can't help love, even when it turns out to be something evil. It seems like they made the ending to be a play off the Twilight series! Gag! Oh...wait, yeah - the same person directed Twilight. It was honestly the biggest waste of time EVER! So much so that we watched the end of Troy after and thought it was interesting.
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