Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So much excitement

I am getting excited and nervous this week. Next week I work, then a full weekend of Chiropractic Assistant training, another 4 days of work, and then my brother's wedding! It's such an intense time! I'm excited for so many good things to be happening. My Great Uncle Rod, who is great, is coming to visit this coming week and that has me all excited too! The rest of July is just going to fly right by!

The other thing I'm super excited about is HARRY POTTER! I'm taking my little brother to the midnight showing for his birthday. It's going to be lots of fun; however, I am going to be so tired on Friday. Both of us are going to skip the 3D option so we both don't leave with migraines.

There isn't too much else on my mind tonight. I've got books to read, movies to watch, budgets to plan, and a house to clean and finish unpacking everything!

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