Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get to Work

Well, I am so utterly exhausted. This week has been crazy busy at work and crazy busy life wise. I have been moving things and cleaning and unpacking! I have lists a mile long...of things I need to do and things I need to buy! The Scotch in me is having a panic attack at the idea of spending so much money.

Relationships: I have kind of been a hermit lately, but this weekend I'm heading down to my brother's place. I'm excited to see him and his fiancee and hang out while making wedding favors. I recently got to hang out with one of my besties from high school.

Health: hahaha...yeah, I'll get back to you on that!

Career: I met with the business counselor at work today. He is a really nice guy and he actually really encouraged me to write. I'm hoping once I get settled and have some time, I'll be able to work on the story that's been running in my head. We'll see, I guess!

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