Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Advocates for Fair

You know what I find the most interesting about reading this book on serial killers (The how to find them book...) is that there are people who advocate for these serial killers. I know there are people who actually are wrongfully charged and need someone to advocate for them, but really?!?

There was a murderer who was an illegal immigrant and he murdered nearly a dozen people - rather brutally. Since he killed a majority of his victims in Texas, he got the death penalty. There were people there protesting his execution because it was racist and wrong because he was mentally ill. His mental illness was his low IQ and I don't know HOW it is racist - the guy came over our border multiple times and MURDERED PEOPLE!!! He started out with robbery, grand theft auto, assault...etc. and then he went on to murder. I don't mean to be rude, but I am supposed to pay tax money to support this illegal immigrant and serial killer because "it's racist" or "he doesn't know what he's doing." I don't care if it makes me sound cold or not, but I don't think it is fair to spend money on supporting an illegal immigrant and a murderer to have a comfortable life. Life in jail is a whole lot more comfortable than some of the other ways of life - they at least know they are going to get a regular meal and have a bed to sleep in every night and not all law abiding citizens have that comfort.

Not to mention, how can you claim a low IQ as a reason you shouldn't pay for your crimes. There are people with high and average IQs that have to pay for their crimes, why should you get out because you are "stupid" and "don't understand what you are doing". Does that mean a clepto with the mental illness and drives to steal don't have to be held responsible for their actions? Even people who accidentally kill people or kill people in a fit of passion have to pay for their crimes. I'm not advocating that every one who commits murder needs to die through the death penalty, but I don't think that serial killers have any right to petition or claim "it isn't fair"; do you think it was fair that your victims don't get to continue living their lives, seeing their kids grow old, having grandchildren, laughing with friends, doing ANYTHING - it is now completely gone for those people, the victims.

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