Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cycle test

Today my little brother and I did something a little radical for us - we rode out bikes down to the library. The library part isn't the radical...it's the bike portion. It was interesting teaching him how to signal the directions you were taking while at intersections. I don't think he picked up much...mostly because he really doesn't care as long as he doesn't get hit. Simply strapping on a backpack and heading out to run errands is economical and healthy! Plus, it was a way to keep someone who is grounded active and not bored to death...trying to break the rules.

It was a fun thing to do on the first 80 degree day of the year. It certainly helped save gas and that is always important when the price is hanging around $4 a gallon. So if you are sick of gas prices - hop on a bike for your next round of errands. Its really nice when there is a beautiful sunset and some wonderful weather out to enjoy!

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