Last weekend I spent cuddling the cutest man on the face of the planet. He mostly kept sticking his foot in my ribs or bashing his head into my face. I still love him the most in the world and the only boy I really want to cover in kisses for a really long time. If you haven't guessed by now, he's my now one year old nephew! How does time seem to go so fast!?!? It seems like such a short period of time, yet I can't really imagine my life without him in it! If things are sucking and I'm feeling sad - I look at his picture and I can't help but smile! He's the only 'man' I really need in my life right now. Prince Harry or Marucs Mumford or Matthew Gray Gubler could walk into my life right now and, no kidding, I'd still freak out, but I'd still choose my nephew at the end of the day...which might speak to my trust issues, but I can't imagine the world without my little nephew.
I've been continuing the working out and I started my eating journal again. You should see the long drawn out calculations I made to figure out how many calories one should consume in a day - ok, it wasn't that excessive. I'll have to put it up on here includes BMI, goal weights, currently height and weight. I was on a walk with my sister and she pointed out that us girls have a problem with self-esteem: "We are beautiful, intelligent women and yet we keep telling our selves that we are stupid, incapable, fat and ugly...and that needs to stop."
My most recent job has now ended. I'm glad I was able to do something for a while, even if it only gave me tendinitis so bad I had to stop working for a few days. This led me to my chiropractor (you know, the man with the hands of gold) and he currently is looking for someone to work in his office! He told me to hand in my resume and luckily I had just printed off a couple and had them stashed in my car! It's kind of interesting how things happen - like, I get injured and go to the chiropractor, he has a spot open up, and I just so happen to have a resume on hand. Seems kind of like destiny - plus, if I worked there I could probably do the online library sciences program through UW-Milwaukee.
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