Thursday, May 19, 2011


Just chillin' - listening to my Pandora account Mumford and Sons station. I love them so MUCH! Seeing them live is life altering it is that good. I once new a person that said they would always change the radio station if they recognized the song they heard on the radio. I don't get that at all. Yes, you hear more songs, but what is the point of listening to music and having favorites if you never listen to it when it is on or occasionally belt out the lyrics with the song? Honestly, what's the point of listening to music if you aren't going to enjoy it? I have songs that make me happy or zen. Mumford and Sons and Eric Clapton can make me feel both pumped up and completely calm all at the same time - probably has something to do with my constant playing of these two artists during finals weeks and intense paper writing sessions. There is one song - DOTA, by Basshunter - and it never fails to make me so happy. I jump around like a giddy girl when ever it plays...which is why in the morning when I get ready it's typically on repeat :D

Love life is blah. The most men I see are old men that spit their snot in front of you and married men - like my chiropractor that has hands of gold. I think my mother is still hard at work on arranging my marriage.

Health is doing better. My body measurements are beginning to go a bit wonky - migrating to different areas of my body :| The tendinitis in my hand is much better, but my back is sort of getting better. I feel like such a freak with an ice pack on my hand and a heating pad on my back. Oh well. I went for a really long bike ride/walk with some of my friends the other day. It was nice to chat and catch up. I got one of my dresses that I am trying for my brother's wedding and it looks good. My sister says I look like a movie star! My mom is at least happy that the dress covers my cleavage well enough.

I am happy to say that I only have 5 more days at my current job. I don't know if my poor back and hand could take too much more of this. So the job hunt continues on and on...etc. etc.

Well, I'm off to ice and heat various parts of my body and read some more!

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