Friday, May 20, 2011

Khloe and Lamar

Ugh - I am so tired right now! I had planned on getting some laundry in before 10:30pm when I checked my wet towels in the basket with my sheets right before leaving to take my brother to his soccer practice. His practice ended up going until about 7:15 (the parents versed the kids at kick ball and we totally won) and then we went over some friends place for dinner. We didn't even eat until 8:30 and then, of course, the chatting continued on and on until nearly 10. Conundrum is that I only have one set of sheets and after working and playing kick ball...I am exhausted!

Anyways, the flitty story I have today has to deal with Khloe and Lamar. My sister loves watching the show after school. I sometimes join with in the mindless drivel. It's kind of like watching Girls Next Door - midnless and yet somehow entertaining. The one episode I caught recently had Khloe trying to teach Lamar a lesson about cleaning by leaving "dark curly hairs" around and a bloody tampon in the toilet. Lamar and Khloe's brother, Robert, find the "mess" and start freaking out. Lamar picks up the hairs and screams like a little girl...and then he moves on to pick the "bloody" tampon up out of the toilet to look at it and squeal in disgust. Really - I could tell that the tampon wasn't actually bloody, but looked more like koolaid or something similar...still, WHAT GUY WOULD PICK IT UP?!? Are guys really that gross? I would like to think most of the guys I know would NEVER do something like that, let alone pick something up out of the toilet. It could just be my germaphobic status that I believe this of the guys I know, but come on. I couldn't imagine a brother being ok with going around observing hair and tampon situations in their sister and brother-in-law's bathroom. Ick! They seem happy and yet delightfully disfunctional. I definitely wish them luck in their marriage...and hopefully Lamar will learn his cleaning lesson without further dirastic measures being deployed.

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