Thursday, May 5, 2011

Letting Loose

I was wondering today while I was at work - pondering men and women's tales of going out in search of themselves. In Eat, Pray, Love , Liz goes out to find herself and she basically becomes a "slut". Ok, she's not a total slut, but she does give it up more times than any man on a journey to find himself. Thoreau and his counter part, Christopher McCandless become celibate hermit like creators completely devoting themselves to nature and the natural self. Is it because women are considered prudes that in order to find ourselves we need sex and love and men just need a wide open field and some fish to fish and logs to chop? Why can't women find themselves without giving themselves over to another person?

Anyways, I will head into the relationships section of my Thursday version of self-discovery. I had an amazing time just hanging out with my Scotland roommates last weekend and witnessing some real love! It was so refreshing to see two people so happy to say "I want you, and you alone, forever." I guess I'll just have to keep waiting and hope that my love life doesn't turn into a Nicholas Sparks novel or a Steven King one! Yikes!

Health is an okay situation. I don't think I have lost any weight at all, but my legs are getting pretty buff. I noticed while dancing in heels this weekend just how ripped my upper legs have gotten from the stair master. I got about 3 miles in yesterday and then I had about a good 45 minutes in the pool tonight.

Career...well, my whole body hurts and my whole car smells like pig poop! I was not made out for an "Agricultural" job. The knuckles on my right hand are swollen and I don't think my shoulders are ever going to forgive me for this one month. It is kind of weird, but working out seems to make it hurt less. hmmmmm.

Well, I am in deep need of sleep! So night!

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