Friday, May 13, 2011

Rock and Roll

Yesterday, the blog site was down - so no writing. I probably could have waited a little longer, but drinking my sleepy time tea before attempting to write was probably not the best of ideas. Tonight - Friday the 13th, it is probably better to stay in and watch movies and read about serial killers...rather than meeting them out and about. It is kind of weird the FX has had 27 Dresses and Made of Honor on in a row and it is Friday the 13th. When I was in Scotland, almost every month had a Friday the 13ths and when I was sick in Scotland...I watched the same two movies over and over! Freaky Friday!

To catch up with last night...
Well, my mom and my "future mother-in-law" got together and were tittering with laughter about arranging a bride price. Oi! They are so weird, but I probably shouldn't joke too much about it since who knows - I don't want to jinx myself and be married to a missionary in Siberia!
My health has now gotten me a 4 day weekend. I asked the other day if there was something to do differently while watering to possibly save my poor hand from cramping up into a claw & my boss freaked out and sent me home halfway through the day with orders to be assessed by a doctor and my ability to continue working. So I get to be re-assessed on Monday.
My career is still a mine field of blah.

To jump to the celebrity news - Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey had twins. Monroe and Moroccan - apparently the call them Roc and sound like Rock and Roll. It is kind of disgusting. If their names weren't enough to call social services on them, apparently someone else did before they even got out of the hospital. People just like to stir up drama so there is something to report. If I were a tabloid writer - I'd do it almost all the time. It would be perfect for getting some drama to go along with the story of the birth of a celebrity baby.

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