Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weddings Galore

I did not write at all Friday or make it up yesterday, because I was no where near a computer. I was busy celebrating the wedding of my Scotland roommate. It was a pretty amazing time and an absolutely lovely wedding. I am so happy for her and her husband!! It was a pretty wild weekend with some pretty crazy ladies, but then again my Scotland roomies are pretty crazy. We pitted the Wisconsinites against the Minnesotans in an epic battle...much like our roommate's wedding.

Other weddings that have happened - duh, the ROYAL WEDDING HAPPENED! I have to say, despite my deep love for everything royal...I woke up the day of the royal wedding with my Scotland roomie texting me to say my man was officially off the market and then I watched the balcony kisses while at the gym and then I worked the day away and spent the rest of the day driving to Green Bay. I do have to say - LOVED THE DRESS! I love the lace overlay. I always loved that look since my mother's wedding dress had a lace overlay. Now every dress with lace overlay for the next century is going to be extremely over priced...good thing I will most likely never get married! I thought it was a very beautiful and classy event. Go Wills! I am sure that your mother was looking down on the event and admiring the man that you have become and have yet to become. I'm positive she is so proud of both you and Harry!

To keep the romance theme going, the movie I am watching for today is A Walk to Remember. I have not watched or read the book in a really long time! The book is an amazing story - pretty much a very loosely linked relationship between the two, but a similar theme. I love this movie and Mandy Moore and Shane West are just perfect together and she is just beyond beautiful in this movie. The movie follows the lost, popular kid, Landon, who gets in trouble and has to pay his debt off to society by working in a number of different organizations - drama club, Saturday morning tutoring, etc. All of these things lead him to the path of Jamie. He needs the nerdy, religious, preacher's daughter to help him with his lines as he is made the lead of the school play. They fall in love.....and drama ensues as the trouble maker popular kid turns into a caring human being through his love of Jamie and the opening of his eyes to a different world. This movie is just a classic tear jerker as usual from Nicholas Sparks! Love, love, love it!

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