Thursday, April 28, 2011

T-minus .... how many hours?

Tomorrow - the original man of my dreams gets married...and heck no! I am not waking up at 4am to watch this occur and after I am going to be working from 9-4. Sad thing is - I know it will be on repeat forever and a day.

My romantic relationship(s) - going nowhere. Yup, I have nothing but dream lovers that run off and get married or have perfect girlfriends.

Health: Well, I went to the gym Monday and Tuesday, but Wednesday and this morning - I was too pooped and sore from working to go to the gym. I think I'll drag my but out of bed tomorrow. I can watch part of the wedding while sweating at the gym. I also have such a severe Vitamin D deficiency - to the point where I have to take a prescription strength vitamin to get it back in order. I have to go back in 8 weeks and get tested to see if my levels have gone up. I hope to God so!

Career - well, I have a job! Heck yes!!!!!!!!!! I like my job, but I am going to be excited when this gig ends. Not because I don't enjoy what I am doing, but because I don't know if my shoulders can take to much more of this. My back and shoulders sure make their complaints known. I wonder if it feels the same way at a desk job. There are probably whole other sets of muscles and nerves that get peeved at every job.

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