Friday, April 15, 2011

Paris Bites Back

She has recently been out of the news for a LONG time...unless you count all those times she was caught with pot but said it was vicious rumors (until she got caught with enough to convict her) - yes, I am talking about Paris Hilton. Apparently the dumbass is feeling unloved and under appreciated, either that, or her mother is! News sources -aka- Ryan Seacrest's brilliant smile told me the other day (via this incredible device called the tv) that Paris Hilton's mom was picking on Kim Kardashian because she was just "copying Paris."

Ok, I am not that obsessed with the Kardashians - any of them - but God help me if Paris wants to bring them down. Yes, Kim has done many of the same things that Paris has...she's just done them better and with more class (aka - she's got style, she doesn't go around pulling other people down, and she has a lack of jail time!). Not to mention, the girl has one banging body compared to that twig of a Hilton. I also think that Kim has a few more brain cells to work with, because from what I have seen she at least hasn't said anything like: "Can you get aids from a puddle?"

So Paris, or her mother - quit running your mouth and instead, smile or say something nice about another human being (and you can't be looking in the mirror when you do this)! We honestly don't give a crap if you are feeling rather unloved since most of us can see through the publicity stunt of calling out Kim. Personally, I don't care what you do with yourselves; just quit spreading the bitterness of your life out there because you are feeling insecure and out of the spotlight. Maybe you should try good works for a change - it hasn't hurt Angelina Jolie's career at all.

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