Monday, April 18, 2011

Doctor Doctor - who wants to play doctor?

I got a book from my library's audio library that I presumed was a science book on bloodletting and other weird cures that had worked in the past. Oh how wrong I was! It is a group of interwoven short stories in the novel of Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures by Vincent Lam. I do say that I did end up liking some of the story. It was really interesting at points and I didn't want to stop listening to the complex web of people and interactions that were all laced with the medical field. It wasn't quite Grey's Anatomy drama happening, but close. Girls breaking up with boyfriends to sleep with new guy at school, girl sleeping with cousin to get good grades, alcoholic, schizophrenic, dedicated doctor, lovers, etc. I was a little interested to see SARS pop up in the story. I guess I have no real experience with SARS since it was just the big, scary disease on t.v. that was going to kill us all and then ended up not effecting as many as was originally thought. The story was pretty well but together and I enjoyed many of the characters; however, the ending really SUCKED. It just nose dived into an end. I think this is one of those books without closure that I just have to deal with, but it is really friggin' annoying. It was an ok book, but I don't know if it was worth the 10+ hours I spent listening to it.

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