Why does it seem that life always just seems to be one transition to the next? Why am I always looking towards another time in my life when life will be happy and "perfect". It seems like a lot of people I know are living life in a "transitional" stage. I understand that we all have to be constantly adapting and changing and transitioning with our environments and that it is a good thing to have goals and things to strive for - but it seems like we are stuck in thinking that we have to drudge through the hard stuff to get to that state of Nirvana only to find out that it isn't the final stopping point. My life will be better when I lose those 20 pounds finally, my life will be better when I finally can speak French well, my life will be better when I get an important job, my life will be better when I meet the love of my life, my life will be better when I........fill in the blank. I want to stop living my life in the "transition" of being grumpy or unhappy with life until I "get to where I am going." I want to be happy as I float on the breeze of life to where I am heading. If anything in my life recently has taught me anything is: you can't have any idea where the wind will blow you to and if a freak blast won't turn up out of the blue to knock you completely off course and unto your butt!
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