Sunday, April 3, 2011

Switch Paris Drugs

So I have watched a few movies this week that I enjoyed/was disturbed by: The Switch, An American in Paris, and Love & Other Drugs.

I really did enjoy the switch. For some odd reason I really like Jason Bateman, so I got this movie. I must be the one odd person in the world who doesn't really like America's girl next door, Jennifer Aniston - but I liked this movie. I thought it was really cute and hilarious. The little boy is absolutely ADORABLE and I love that he is as neurotic as Jason Bateman's character. This is just a feel good movie about mistakes, friendship, and love. Plus, bonus beyond bonus points - the presence of Jeff Goldblum! I have an odd obsession with him :D

I also watched An American in Paris this week and decided I should take up tap dancing...ok, maybe not that much (it hurts bouncing up and down when you have a larger chest). So I decided I'll just watch more Gene Kelly movies. I absolutely fell in love watching this movie. I am actually kind of glad that I waited until after I got back from France to watch this movie - I understood the French and it just made me feel all warm and gooey inside about Paris. The dancing and singing i this film were enough to have anyone mesmerized and glued to the screen. I'm sure my little brothers could prove me wrong there, but they can't help it that they were forced to watch 7 Brides for 7 Brothers until they wanted to puke (which kind of makes me sad since that movie is AMAZING), so this might explain their aversion to musicals. I think that this movie as a combinations of musical, comedy, love story, and dance recital give it a powerhouse combination of entertainment. I'd say this is a must see for anyone!

Love & Other Drugs...where do I start? It was a pretty good movie and I have already seen a lot of Jake Gyllenhaal in Jarhead (another great movie) but I was totally unprepared to see that much of my Princess Diaries Anne Hathaway. I know she has gone on to do a lot of different kinds of roles since her days as Mia, but holy vache was I not ready to see all that Anne had to offer. Other than the CRAZY amounts of sex present, there was sort of a good message of loving yourself and accepting people for who they are. There was a line that I really loved about needing someone: Jake tells Anne that everyone needs someone to depend on and he needed her and she needed him. It was an ok movie, but I doubt that I will ever waste my time to watch it again.

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