Thursday, April 21, 2011

Excuse me, but I thought you were married!

Relationships: I have spent a lot of time with my little brother lately. I really love that little dude; however, people begin to think he is my kid. This sucks because not only do most people automatically think that I am married, now they think I have a child. I guess it doesn't really matter - my love life is heading no where fast.

Health: I have been at the gym every day this week except today. I was busy running errands, cleaning, and attempting to get John out to play soccer for a while. It was pretty fun; however, he expects me to be as hard core as he is! No way am I using my face/head to stop one of his kicks. My thigh is feeling sore enough after stopping one of his kicks - I can't imagine what it would feel like to stop one of those with my face. It was pretty funny though, he was giving me smack talk in a Scottish accent while telling me he grew up playing in Africa. I don't know if I have lost any weight yet, but I am feeling good about myself. I am a little worried, I have some things that have come up that worry me and my "down there" doctor called and left a message that I should call. I am a little worried; however, I am hoping it is something as simple as I have low Vitamin D.

Career: Meh - that is what my career is looking like. I saw a job today that I am thinking about applying to for over the summer (it's seasonal work) and then I am hoping to work at Christopher Banks while I look for something more permanent. My poor account can't take too much more hanging out in the basement.

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