Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tangled to Tron

My family watched a couple of movies for movie night this week. Tangled and Tron were the two that were selected for this week.

Tangled is an adorable movie about Rapunzel who sets off on a quest to find herself. She goes out and explores the big wide world that has been denied her for all of her 18 years. On her quest she finds love, while her guide on this quest finds his self as well. It is a cute and funny film - well worth a Redbox rent.

The second movie we had for movie night was Tron. I could barely stay awake for the film. It was sort of interesting - the boy seeking out his father who got stuck in his own video game. The movie was just a little weird beyond weird for me. Some of the scenes and decorations were extremely gorgeous, but it was mostly just boring for me. Jeff Bridges mumbles throughout the whole movie, so I had to keep turning it up to understand him and the turn it down when some of the intense action scenes started. It annoyed me and this movie sucks (if you ask me).

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