Sunday, April 10, 2011

Movie Party

I watched several movies in the last couple of days. First a girls night and then a nice solo night of just relaxing. I watched Letters to Juliet, My Sister's Keeper, 17 Again, and RocknRolla. It was a pretty fun night just relaxing and watching some movies. Letters to Juliet was rather a cute movie. I had to cover my ears when Taylor Swift played and I gagged a little bit when he climbed up the vines to talk to Sophie (Amanda Seyfried's character). My friends thought I was a little anal thinking that it was cheesy or being annoyed by the Taylor Swift song. I did like the movie! I liked the line: "I didn't know love had an expiration date." It was a rather cute way of saying that love can cross distances and time and take you absolutely unexpectedly. It was cutesy and chick flicky - just good, feel-good fun. My Sister's Keeper is a whole nother jar of worms. This movie takes your heart out and crushes it for a while. I think my eyes liquefied throughout the duration of this movie. I cried from the beginning to the end. I thought the family dynamic was interesting and the love story was one of the sweetest and most moving love stories. The love between the siblings that was displayed was just really touching. Having a sister who would do anything for you - even challenge their parents to the pint of taking them to court!
17 Again was my lightener after My Sister's Keeper. It was a great comedic film that lightened my mood completely. I loved Zac Efron's character and his friend Ned. Ned's character was beyond ridiculously hilarious! I loved his highlights and his cloaks, his masks and light sabers, and his speaking Elfish! It was a nice love story and highlighted the importance of family.

RocknRolla, while not being that great of a movie - THANK YOU GUY RITCHIE! Hello Thomas Hardy and Gerard Butler. There were plenty of muscley guys running around doing bad things. I loved the scene with the two crazy Russians that just don't give up. Gerard was so perfect running away from the big Russian and then the skinny Russian turned up again. It was comedic and action packed all rolled into one. It was a nice guilty pleasure sort of movie. Thomas Hardy was perfect for Handsome Bob and I laughed so hard when Gerard freaked out so much upon finding out that Bob was gay and how much he was embarrassed about dancing with him. It was an interesting movie to say the least.

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