Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"What flavor?" to "Do you Floss Regularly?"

WTF!?! I went to the dentist today and found out I have not one, two or even just three cavities. Nope - I have FIVE cavities...and all between my teeth. This led to a very interesting discussion of flossing. I do floss...a whole lot more than I used too at least. I suck at it - the keeping with it! So I am apparently going to have to start flossing twice a day and making sure that I rinse with water after I drink any beverage other than water because apparently even milk will rot the hell out of your teeth. It kind of makes me sad to go to the dentist. I have these deep grooves in my teeth that they can't seal at all, so it is SUPER easy for me to get! Not only that, but now at the ripe old age of 23 they don't ask you what flavor toothpaste you want them to use or what flavor of floss you want. You just get boring mint. Ugh! Not to mention - the hygenist usually tries to carry on a conversation with you while she has her fingers shoved in your mouth. I am guessing that this recent diagnosis will have me with a sticky note to my mirror telling me to floss! Hopefully that will help me to remember and stay committed.

I didn't just want to talk about that! My little sister is painting pictures to sell for aid relief to Japan. She has already sold one of her paintings for $75. I am so proud of her and I am so amazed by her talents. I cannot paint to save the life of me. I have a little artistic ability, but the most I like to express mine through is coloring books! (Such a good stress reliever).

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