Thursday, April 14, 2011

Biking Bonanza

This week has been a little crazy! I have been having to get up early in the morning to take the kids to school - this morning I helped my little brother make his lunch for his field trip.

Relationships: Well, I've watched a whole lot of Criminal Minds this week! :D Go Dr. Reid! :D

Health: Since last night I have flossed three times! I really did make a little sticky note to remind mom, the frequent flosser, laughed at it. I have been riding my bike around to do local errands and the like. I rode my bike to the dentist and the library and to the grocery store! It is actually nice, listening to my audio book and pedalling. Exactly today, I finally marched my butt into Lakers gym and asked for membership information. I have to say, the prices are MUCH lower than when I originally went there in high school. The presence of about three other gyms in town have dropped the price from about $80 a month to $42! SWEET! Not to mention the gym has two mascots - a mastiff and a pit bull/lab mix! They are SOOOOOOOO cute. I want one!

Career: I am still lagging in this area, but I found out that one of my favorite stores is coming into the mall nearby and I'll looking at applying there. If I only work there for the summer, hopefully it will help me save up some for rent and job searching in another area with one of my besties! The town is a college town, so there are all sorts of jobs to be had around there and if I do decide to go back to school...I'll be near a campus with a roomie already!

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