Friday, April 1, 2011


So here I am ... absolutely exhausted at the end of my day. My dad and mom both went away for the weekend and I am home with the kids. And good Lord in heaven I do not know how they do this - a SECOND time. I shopped for a family of six today and it took me like five hours to get all the stuff. I then had to get home and rush John straight to his...canceled soccer practice - thanks coach for the update, not that I really wanted to leave my little brother to run around in a down pour for an hour while it is barely crackin' 40degrees. I cooked dinner for both my family and another family - luckily, our family dinner wasn't lasagna and cupcakes...I went high brow with the Mac&Cheese and hot dogs! Our dessert of drumsticks and creamsickles totally rocked though. Then we settled down to watch The Pink Panther 2. It was cute and my little brother - who insisted on sharing the recliner with me - could not stop giggling! Tomorrow I have soccer games and practices and baking and cooking - I do no know how my parents work full time jobs and then come home to this full and a half time job. Yikes!

If you can't tell, this "flitty Friday" has nothing to do with celebrities. Frankly, I really just don't give a shit right now about any celebrity gossip. I more want to dedicate this to the real superstars: the moms who take your calls at 5 in the morning because you are in another country and vomiting your guts out, the dad that would secretly do anything for you - even though he doesn't admit it out loud, the sisters who take your call at 2am because you can't breath and are in hysterics because you can't figure out who or what you are supposed to be in this world, the older brother - even though he picks on you, you know he really cares deep down, the little siblings who want your help with their math homework and deal with your frustrated rantings, the little brother who can't wait to go see Harry Potter with you, and the other one who is excited for you to show up to one of his games and just as excited that you decided to stop for a while and read a story to him. Family can be crazy, they are the celebrities of my life.

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