Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Handy Hot Dog and the Hamburglar

So with the craziness of soccer and baseball season upon our household and we are running around like chickens with out heads cut off. One of the things to suffer during the crazy schedule of this season is dinner. Our test run for these next two weeks is the preparation of pre-made meals so the kids can heat something up and eat before they have to be shuttled off to practice or a game. If you have a similar schedule at your house - this will come in handy!

Yesterday I mixed up an enormous amount of beef (about 6lbs worth of beef) with mustard, salt, pepper, eggs, and milk. Than I used an ice cream scoop to get a nice scoop of beef to mold into patties. I made just 71 hamburgers yesterday....71! I broiled 26 of the burgers up and then let them cool. After a sufficient amount of time cooling, the burgers were stuck into buns and zipped into a bag and tossed into the freezer. The remaining 45 burgers were frozen raw and placed 12 to a bag (1 meals worth of burgers for a family of 6...they aren't the world's largest burgers).

I did a similar thing with 24 hot dogs. Those already come pre-cooked, so they just needed to be popped in a bun, zipped up, and but in the freezer. Tonight we had our first everyone grabs what they can meal. The hot dogs actually turned out pretty well. I had to microwave it for about 30 seconds first to get the bun to separate from the hot dog and then I just needed to nuke the hot dog for an additional 30 seconds - and dinner! Ok...so not quite a dinner, but when you add sides like beans and yogurt - it's pretty exceptional. I was starving by the time I got home tonight - I'd bumped into some good friends and we ended up walking all over town and chatting. It was fun, but I was definitely in need of food by the time I got home!

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