Monday, May 23, 2011

The Finale

Gag - my sister is currently making me listen to some random country song. Barf, gag, vomit! There is only so much I can take! :D

I haven't actually read any new books this week. I'm still working on a couple and I finished the serial killer book a few nights ago. I have, however, watch the season finales of two of my favorite shows!

Bones ended up with Angela and Hodgins having their baby and da, da, da....Brenan is pregnant with Booth's baby! I love this show, but I kind of have to agree with my mom that it is headed to the trailer park. I am a little excited though to see what they do with the story line now that they finally have Booth and Brenan "together".

The finale to Criminal Minds was interesting. I can't really remember what happened with the murders, but I remember Garcia's boyfriend (forever and always a Mr. Xander Harris to me) asking her to buy the farm with him. I don't know if that was a proposal or an invitation to leave the BAU...or maybe both. They also seem to be hinting that Hotch might not be coming back even thought J.J. is coming back. I still really want Prentice to come back - she's one of my favorite characters! Yet again, I am excited to see what they do when the story line picks back up next season!

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