I can't believe they called school off already! It was canceled before it even started to snow. It just started a little while ago and it isn't even coming down as hard as it was yesterday morning. I remember going to school with the feet of snow piled up and it not being an excuse. Besides, you never know in Wisconsin. The weather could be predicted to snow 18-24" and then it turns out to 50 degrees. I'm going to go make it "snow" on some of my pans. I accidentally left the lids to my can in the pot of boiled water a little too long and it rusted. Stupid me. Luckily, I found a way to take it off with baking soda.
*PS: washing your hair in snow sounds absolutely horrible. ick.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Holiday Homemade!
I made some of my Christmas presents this year. I made some essential oil infused Epsom salts, jam, and pancake syrup. They turned out really yummy and totally awesome. Woot woot! I love making homemade gifts. Yay!
Monday, December 17, 2012
The English Major
Ohhh - I just downloaded my first eBook to my new nook. YAY! I am so excited. I also just filed my first police report. Tres weird. I am so enjoying watching How I Met Your Mother. I love it.
I recently finished reading The English Major by Jim Harrison. I enjoyed parts of the book but I was really getting sick of listening to the character talk about his penis. Penis this, penis that, and oh, there's my penis doing a little jump at the idea of the young girl. It was almost like listening to Barney as a 60 year old. The story is of an old man named Cliff dumped traveling across the country to find himself again after his divorce and being forced to sell the farm he had worked at for approximately 2 1/2 decades. He renames states and birds and bangs the heck out of one of his former students (he was a teacher before he started farming). It was just too weird for me. Besides, he pretty much ends up back where he started. Ugh, maybe I'm too girl to read books by men.
I recently finished reading The English Major by Jim Harrison. I enjoyed parts of the book but I was really getting sick of listening to the character talk about his penis. Penis this, penis that, and oh, there's my penis doing a little jump at the idea of the young girl. It was almost like listening to Barney as a 60 year old. The story is of an old man named Cliff dumped traveling across the country to find himself again after his divorce and being forced to sell the farm he had worked at for approximately 2 1/2 decades. He renames states and birds and bangs the heck out of one of his former students (he was a teacher before he started farming). It was just too weird for me. Besides, he pretty much ends up back where he started. Ugh, maybe I'm too girl to read books by men.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Mother of Expendable
Legen and I hope you aren't lactose intolerant because the next word is DAIRY.
*Getting a nook for Christmas and being able to watch episode after episode of How I Met Your Mother in bed while writing out Christmas cards.
*Having to file a theft report on your brother's Christmas present but really just being happy I still have a little brother to come home to.
*Realizing there is a WHOLE lot more of your apartment you can see from the street - meh, they can see me dance around like a crazoid...it happens.
*Playing silly games with my nephews and pretty much just covering them in kisses.
*Having a house full of family - all acting loud and crazy (between couch naps)
Legendary Weekend!
I am so multitasking at the moment...watching How I Met Your Mother (if you couldn't tell). I also watched The Expendables. All I could think of while the palace was blown to bits was "A woman could have done all of that and still kept the pretty palace in one piece." All that history and architecture. It was a sad thing to see it go down in one giant blast. It was a little weird that the story didn't quite really set up, it just happened. I'm not really sure what the story line was - we get paid money to blow up that bad guy, see pretty woman, must blow up everything to "save" her. So pretty much if you just want to watch stuff get blown up, watch it.
*Getting a nook for Christmas and being able to watch episode after episode of How I Met Your Mother in bed while writing out Christmas cards.
*Having to file a theft report on your brother's Christmas present but really just being happy I still have a little brother to come home to.
*Realizing there is a WHOLE lot more of your apartment you can see from the street - meh, they can see me dance around like a crazoid...it happens.
*Playing silly games with my nephews and pretty much just covering them in kisses.
*Having a house full of family - all acting loud and crazy (between couch naps)
Legendary Weekend!
I am so multitasking at the moment...watching How I Met Your Mother (if you couldn't tell). I also watched The Expendables. All I could think of while the palace was blown to bits was "A woman could have done all of that and still kept the pretty palace in one piece." All that history and architecture. It was a sad thing to see it go down in one giant blast. It was a little weird that the story didn't quite really set up, it just happened. I'm not really sure what the story line was - we get paid money to blow up that bad guy, see pretty woman, must blow up everything to "save" her. So pretty much if you just want to watch stuff get blown up, watch it.
How I Met Your Mother,
The Expendables
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Zodiac and Inspectors
I really love having notepad. It makes typing up my blogs super simple when my internet is lagging and I don't want to wait. I'm on a schedule and I've only allotted 15 minutes to this "activity." I'll probably go over, but I still want to get some reading and yoga in before I hit the hay. This weekend was FILLED with yummy baking. The 3.5" I lost from my waist this year might all reappear if I'm not careful. I've been taking a lot out and sharing the love with numerous others. Fill YOUR belly and not mine. I'm really looking forward to eggs and home made honey wheat bread toasted and drizzled with honey. I may add a little bit of grapefruit in there to round it out. My mouth is watering already.
So, to get to the point: Books.
I'm currently working on The Last Bus to Woodstock by Colin Dexter (an Inspector Morse novel). I have to say, I am not enjoying this book as much as I enjoy watching Inspector Lewis, which is based of this series. I just made into Part 2 of the book, but it just seems to keep dragging on and on. I almost cried last week when I realized I had watched the last Inspector Lewis on Netflix. All the other Inspector Morse novels might just be taken back to the library with a sigh. I tried.
I also recently finished Zodiac by Robert Graysmith. It was a very interesting book. I don't know why I find serial killers and their stories fascinating. I just do. Not in the, "I want to become one" fascinated. More like, "how did they get away with that" or "I can't believe there are sick people like that out there." I can't believe that they never caught the Zodiac killer. It makes me very upset that someone out there knows who the killer is but is unwilling or unable to come forward with the evidence. I can't help but think of the poor families that won't have any closure because there just wasn't enough evidence to pin it to a certain person. I'm wondering what happened to the woman who escaped from Zodiac and then just sort of disappeared. I, for sure, would probably try to disappear after almost being murdered. The book, mostly, made me think how stupid cops could be and how things might have actually happened had there been sharing between jurisdictions.
So, to get to the point: Books.
I'm currently working on The Last Bus to Woodstock by Colin Dexter (an Inspector Morse novel). I have to say, I am not enjoying this book as much as I enjoy watching Inspector Lewis, which is based of this series. I just made into Part 2 of the book, but it just seems to keep dragging on and on. I almost cried last week when I realized I had watched the last Inspector Lewis on Netflix. All the other Inspector Morse novels might just be taken back to the library with a sigh. I tried.
I also recently finished Zodiac by Robert Graysmith. It was a very interesting book. I don't know why I find serial killers and their stories fascinating. I just do. Not in the, "I want to become one" fascinated. More like, "how did they get away with that" or "I can't believe there are sick people like that out there." I can't believe that they never caught the Zodiac killer. It makes me very upset that someone out there knows who the killer is but is unwilling or unable to come forward with the evidence. I can't help but think of the poor families that won't have any closure because there just wasn't enough evidence to pin it to a certain person. I'm wondering what happened to the woman who escaped from Zodiac and then just sort of disappeared. I, for sure, would probably try to disappear after almost being murdered. The book, mostly, made me think how stupid cops could be and how things might have actually happened had there been sharing between jurisdictions.
Colin Dexter,
Inspector Lewis,
Inspector Morse,
Robert Graysmith,
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It's a Perfect Life
Holiday stress. I can't say that I am all that stressed. I feel more stress with the New Year fast approaching and the feeling of spinning my wheels. The dawning of another year and the same question: what am I doing with my life? This has me a bit concerned. I know I shouldn't be worried about this question. Life is a journey and you uncover the answers as you happen upon them. I need to stop worrying about the "I want" aspect of "I want my life to be perfect" and just be "my life is good in this moment." I won't stop having goals to constantly achieve, but I won't die if I don't have every one else's idea of a "perfect life."
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Pop a Squat
I am so tired today, I can't even think straight. I don't know if I can even type anything remotely sensible at the moment. I will say, I've had a lot of poo in my life lately. Yesterday, my co-worker and I discovered Unicorn poop while attempting to look up articles about North Korea's claim to have evidence of a unicorn. Then today, I discovered the "Squatty Potty" and an article about how our dear inventor of the crapper cursed us to a life of gut and anal misery by taking away our pooping squat. No, I did not test this for testy Tuesday. If you feel so inclined, you may try it. I think I may have to read that article a few more times and be heavily constipated before I decided to pop a squat. I held it when faced with a squat toilet in Ethiopia and that was just to pee. Maybe once it is tested, it is like a Eureka moment and you never want to go back. My nephew pops a squat when he has to go - maybe adults should too?!?
Squatting Potty,
Unicorn poop,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Cat Lady/Book Lady
I am so tired and still a little car sick. My bed tonight will not be made of air, nor will I have to share it with anyone. Ok, well, that stack of books on the other side of my bed doesn't really count. I haven't watched any good or bad movies recently and I highly doubt that you want to listen to more of my swooning over Inspector Lewis's Sergeant Hathaway. I won't waste your time, I'm too tired and I really just rather pop a tums and crawl into bed. I can leave you with the funniest thing I have heard in a while: "You asked about romantic ventures, does researching which breeds of cats will be most likely not to eat my corpse count?"
Iz won't eatz you! |
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
One of Each
I got some pretty exciting news tonight. I'm going to have a niece come April. SO HAPPY! Now I can buy both girly and boy-ish things! : D Just think of all the cute things this girl's aunties are going to do to her. She is going to be so spoiled. Hmm...I wonder if you can take out a bank account in some one's name even if they don't technically "exist" yet. I already have one for my nephew, time to break one out for the niece. I'll have to split that $5 every other week between the two of them now. I'm kinda hoping they stop at one each now, because when all is said and done, five bank accounts for nephews and nieces is going to be a lot! I'll still love them tons and tons. Maybe I'll get them a lottery ticket someday. Wonder who won the Mega big bucks tonight. It wasn't me, so I don't really care all that much. Well, I need to get back to that depressing book so I can be finished with it by tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
A Lobby for a Hobby
Well, tonight was interesting. I didn't get out of work in time for yoga (sad face). That was okay. I did a morning flow when I woke up this morning. I was feeling much better and it was so energizing to put my body and mind to the challenge right away. I just weaved the sequence below into a sun series and voila - morning started off right. I was a little lazy and I didn't want to get my mat from the car - ouch, did my rug burned hands feel it! It was very interesting to hear a lot of the DWTS contestants and pro-dancers talking about this seasons dancing giving them so much confidence in themselves. For me, yoga and Zumba gave me loads of confidence. After a really tough and grueling session of yoga, it is nice to meditate on what your body just did. It is amazing what you really can do when you put your mind to it and don't listen to the dissenting voice in your head. Zumba just makes me feel good about letting loose. It's a party that is whittling a pretty amazing body while building loads of confidence. I'm so glad I found to things that really get me excited about discovering all the possible things I can do! Before Zumba, I'd claim 2 left feet. Now, I know I can do some complicated (for me) footwork with practice, of course. About a year ago, I couldn't tell you a single hobby/activity other than reading that I truly enjoyed. Now, I just listed two that have enriched my life by not only helping me get healthier in body, but in mind as well. I still don't have infallible confidence, but it is definitely better than the girl more comfortable in the corner with her nose in a book. If you don't have a hobby, I dare you to try and find one. I had no idea where to start looking for a hobby, I just had to go out and start trying the different things my city had to offer. Wow. I'm so happy to see how much my life has changed in a year with the addition of a hobby/hobbies.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Sometimes, unplugging is just fantastic. With the holiday weekend being long, I was running around. I spent Saturday and Sunday at my grandparent's place. We decorated everything for Christmas and got the house all cleaned up. I spent some of my down time reading my favorite book from 5th grade. I was a really weird child. Not surprising. My favorite book involves death and animals. Hmmm. The cover alone looks scary. I ended up loving it. As I'm re-reading this book for book club, I'm wondering why I loved this book so much. I'll probably remember it while I'm blubbering over the ending. Yay! Jerry Spinelli wrote Wringer, my childhood favorite. It is about a 9 year old boy, Palmer, desperate to be accepted, but dreading the rather strange tradition his town plays host to every year. Palmer's town hosts a festival around the end of summer and the grand finale of the festival is the shooting of imported pigeons. Thousands upon thousands of birds are shot or have their necks wrung after being shot. The book follows Palmer's journey as he tries to find out why people enjoy this so much and how his fitting in with the local boys, even pleasing his father, is tangled up in the tradition of wringing.
Ugh - I just realized I still haven't switched my calendar from October to November and it is December by the end of this week. Depressing. Well, I guess I have a good book to accompany me
Ugh - I just realized I still haven't switched my calendar from October to November and it is December by the end of this week. Depressing. Well, I guess I have a good book to accompany me
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wicked County Zombies
I finally finished up a few books this last week. I can finally work towards finishing a few of the many others I have floating about my room. I finished London: The Wicked City, The Sand County Almanac, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.
I've talked about London: The Wicked City before. It is such an interesting book. Who would've thought that prostitution could be so entertaining. Some of it was down right nasty and some of it was really very interesting. The shifting views of prostitution and the way women viewed the selling of their bodies as a way of supporting themselves. Some were just plain horny and some saw it as the only way to support themselves. There was even a feminist leader, that despite her desire to eradicate prostitution, she didn't think that women should be the sole recipient of forced physical exams and legal punishment when it obviously takes two to make the transaction. I was also amazed at the way other countries viewed London and its teaming hordes of night walkers. I really liked the section about how shifting views of prostitution led to the perfect situation for Jack the Ripper to commit his murders and never be found out.
The Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold was a book I started back in like 2009. I keep coming back to this book and I have finally finished it. I had to read sections of it for school and I was really interested in finishing the book. Life just seemed to get in the way of ever finishing it. I do enjoy reading the month sections on the turning of the months. You can see the changes of the season in your own. The book is very thought provoking and really makes you think about the impact you have on the world. I never really thought about how we begin to destroy the "wilderness" in our attempts to connect to it. The demand to connect to "wilderness" often leads to the development of the area for recreation. I found this very interesting and I was quite happy to find Silent Spring at Vinnies recently.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at some of the ridiculous parts. You still fall in love with Darcy and Bingly despite the head lopping. I was very impressed with this work and I fully enjoyed it. The book is literally Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice with a zombie theme weaved into the mix. It is truly impressive. I am starting Dawn of the Dreadfuls and I'm a little displeased. Some of the things from this book don't line up with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. There was talk of the girls doing certain things at a much younger age in P&P&Z and the girls in DotD have the same characteristics as there older counterparts. Lydia acts like a 15/16 year old; however, she is supposed to be younger than 10 (? - I can't quite tell). I'll say that at least Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was worth the read. I'll have to keep on with Dawn of the Dreadfuls and hopefully it will get a bit better. Maybe the majority of that novel being Jane Austen's writing made it better than Dawn of the Dreadfuls which seems to be all his own writing. There was a part of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that got a bit "man attempting to write a romance novel." The line was something about Darcy shouting pistols from his mount while the pistol smoke swirled through his chestnut hair. Then, his horse reared, and he stayed seated on his horse while never flinching. It was gag worthy.
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing at some of the ridiculous parts. You still fall in love with Darcy and Bingly despite the head lopping. I was very impressed with this work and I fully enjoyed it. The book is literally Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice with a zombie theme weaved into the mix. It is truly impressive. I am starting Dawn of the Dreadfuls and I'm a little displeased. Some of the things from this book don't line up with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. There was talk of the girls doing certain things at a much younger age in P&P&Z and the girls in DotD have the same characteristics as there older counterparts. Lydia acts like a 15/16 year old; however, she is supposed to be younger than 10 (? - I can't quite tell). I'll say that at least Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was worth the read. I'll have to keep on with Dawn of the Dreadfuls and hopefully it will get a bit better. Maybe the majority of that novel being Jane Austen's writing made it better than Dawn of the Dreadfuls which seems to be all his own writing. There was a part of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies that got a bit "man attempting to write a romance novel." The line was something about Darcy shouting pistols from his mount while the pistol smoke swirled through his chestnut hair. Then, his horse reared, and he stayed seated on his horse while never flinching. It was gag worthy.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Today, my time has been taken up in a large part with Inspector Lewis. Or should I say, Sergeant Hathaway. Sigh - British man that is well read and solves crime. I think I sound like a broken record. But I shall heave a sigh yet again. Why, oh why, are you only in books (and a BBC drama)? I do have to say, I even though Laurence Fox a bit adorable as that awkward fellow in Becoming Jane. Of course, he had no chance against a Scot - beautiful James McAvoy. My day hasn't been completely wasted. It was so lovely outside today. I had a nice walk about town. I saw our newly reborn Santa...on a stick, or in this case, a giant green pole. I also had the chance to sit down by the beach and watch all the ducks for a while. I also got down to starting in on a list of 100 Things. This 100 Things list is about careers that interest you. Here is my list so far.
Tour Guide, Travel Agent, Baker, Yoga Teacher, Zumba Instructor, Nutritionist, Dog Walker/Doggie Day Care, Run an Animal Shelter, House Mom in an Orphanage, Host of a Travel Show, Comedian, Half-Priced Books Clerk/Owner, Writer, Book Editor, Counselor, Organic Farmer, Shepherdess, House Mom for an Exchange Program, Historic Re-enactor, Investigator, Movie/TV Film Editor, PBS (enough said), Idea Generator, Wedding Planner, French Enthusiast (not quite sure what that is, but I'll make it into something), Idea Tester, Library Founder on Indian Reservations, Script Writer, Blogger, Personal Trainer, Candle/Soap/Crafty Creator, Explorer, Furniture Designer, Interior Decorator, Landlord, B&B Owner, Hostess of a Musical Festival...and that is all I've gotten so far. I think it is a step in the right direction. I'm getting myself geared up for the potential that comes with change. All I know is, that what I want to do with my life is bring a smile/laugh, a sense of "I can," and an appreciation for the life that is breathed in to all those that I meet. To all the possibilities - an endless world of smiles.
Tour Guide, Travel Agent, Baker, Yoga Teacher, Zumba Instructor, Nutritionist, Dog Walker/Doggie Day Care, Run an Animal Shelter, House Mom in an Orphanage, Host of a Travel Show, Comedian, Half-Priced Books Clerk/Owner, Writer, Book Editor, Counselor, Organic Farmer, Shepherdess, House Mom for an Exchange Program, Historic Re-enactor, Investigator, Movie/TV Film Editor, PBS (enough said), Idea Generator, Wedding Planner, French Enthusiast (not quite sure what that is, but I'll make it into something), Idea Tester, Library Founder on Indian Reservations, Script Writer, Blogger, Personal Trainer, Candle/Soap/Crafty Creator, Explorer, Furniture Designer, Interior Decorator, Landlord, B&B Owner, Hostess of a Musical Festival...and that is all I've gotten so far. I think it is a step in the right direction. I'm getting myself geared up for the potential that comes with change. All I know is, that what I want to do with my life is bring a smile/laugh, a sense of "I can," and an appreciation for the life that is breathed in to all those that I meet. To all the possibilities - an endless world of smiles.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Zen It Out
I am so tired today. I honest was worried about my eyes just closing the whole last hour of work. It has been one long, crazy day. Why does everything seem to go to crap all at once? This week, on top of everything else going on in my family, I've been sick and apparently my klutz gear went from low to high. I can't seem to touch anything without breaking or spilling it. A bottle of wine shattered, my almond milk spilled (after being left out all day), the bag of my favorite granola ripped and it spilled everywhere. Not to mention, I'm facing quite a big decision and my comfort zone adoring self really is balking. Some days/weeks, I just feel like pulling the covers over my head. I will get through this week, and oddly, I've been rather zen the whole week (even with shattering and ripping and other various forms of destruction occurring around me).
Also, still confused about all of our "America loving citizens" that obviously don't care enough to want to actually see her through her toughest times. So glad you are an American. Instead of seceding and potentially leading to another civil war, why don't you just move to Mexico. Or heck, I hear there are more jobs in China. Have at it.
Also, still confused about all of our "America loving citizens" that obviously don't care enough to want to actually see her through her toughest times. So glad you are an American. Instead of seceding and potentially leading to another civil war, why don't you just move to Mexico. Or heck, I hear there are more jobs in China. Have at it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Web MD Me Please
I tell you, winter has a way of sucking. Thank you cold, I appreciate you blowing into my ear and causing a very painful earache. I solved this with a little bit of warm olive oil. I heated it up and let it cool down before brushing it into my ear with a q-tip. I really did help. It felt better than the hot pad I'd had on my head since I got home. This little ear pain has followed what I presume to be an infect salivary gland. Two or three years ago, I had a very painful swelling of my throat. It happened several times. All times it hurt to even swallow my own spit. I went to my primary care physician and they said: "I don't know, I'll take some blood. Call on Monday if it hasn't gone away." Really? Wait four days with intense pain and HALF YOUR THROAT SWOLLEN SHUT!?!? Did you just pay for and print that pretty piece of paper on the wall two seconds ago?!? I had to go in again the next day because I was in so much pain. They still said "I don't know," but this time they gave me a prescription for some pain medication. The next time it happened, it came and went within a day. Of course, this wasn't enough time to get in to see the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) as I had been advised to do. He just thought I was crazy, stuck a camera down my nose and into my throat to appease me, and said I was fine. Well, this last week, I had a bit of a tickle in my throat. I just figured it was a minor cold and I could beat it with lots of hot tea and upping my intake of Vitamin D. Well, in the middle of rock climbing this weekend, the pain got worse. By the middle of our mall extravaganza, I was in so much pain! When I finally got home and looked in the mirror, I discovered the reason for my extreme pain was not an earache, like I had presumed, but a swelling of my throat. By the next morning, swallowing was very painful. Advil every couple of hours and throat numbing lozenges really helped. Today, I happened to be glancing at our practice's website and I noticed on our 3-D spine a gland that happened to be in the spot where I had felt the hard lump (on the outside) and that corresponded with the swelling on the inside of my throat. Now, I did what every good physician fears their patients do: I Googled said gland, the parotid (it's a salivary gland). Pop. Up comes WebMD with this little tid bit of information: "Bacterial infections generally cause one-sided salivary gland swelling. Other symptoms such as fever and pain will accompany the swelling. The bacteria are typically those found normally in the mouth, as well as staph bacteria. These infections most often affect the parotid gland." The fact that it took me literally about 5 minutes to find something that matched my symptoms and the "look" of my ailment really has me perturbed. I don't think the parotid on me is the one that is swelling, but a swollen gland in my throat due to bacterial infection makes more sense than anything else. Not one, but several physicians have sent me home without so much as a "I'll keep looking into this to see if I can help you more than by simply giving you a pain pill." My mom even threatened to send me home with one of the doctor's if they didn't help me out. She had spent from 3 in the morning to about 8 trying to keep me semi-comfortable by giving me some of the old pain pills from my wisdom teeth extraction. Lucky for that doctor, that episode didn't last 5 days like it did the first time. It barely lasted 24hours. Let me just say, if you have something that the doctors say "I don't know" too, feel free to google, come up with a list of possibilities, and then take it back to them with the challenge to prove your self-diagnosis wrong. If they refuse to come up with one, you do it and have them start checking it off. Did these people not take a Hippocratic oath? Or did they just sign on the dotted line and are only considered an insurance monkey for filling quotas?
Olive Oil,
Parotid Gland,
Throat Swelling
Monday, November 12, 2012
22 Britania Road
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sleep. Between my aching arms and my partially swollen shut throat, this will be short. I had a lot of fun yesterday, despite the nasty cyst that was growing in my throat. I tried yoga for about 2 hours. One of the classes being a demonstration of aerial yoga (you hang from silk hammocks). It was AMAZING. Then, I went rock climbing and shopping and pigging out at Red Robin. I'm really happy my last truly solid meal before having to resort to easy to swallow liquids was a Banzai Burger. They are my FAV! The other girls I went climbing with were complaining of arm and shoulder fatigue. I couldn't tell, I've been popping Advil every few hours so swallowing my own saliva doesn't make me want to die. I did take a bit of an nap this after noon and missed taking some, only to wake with rather achy triceps. We did climb for about an hour and a half...until our arms were so tired we couldn't hold on to they grips anymore. That, and extremely sweaty hands was beginning to get in the way. It was a very lovely day.
At the end, we backed shoe box gifts and watched Timer. It was a really cutesy movie with the girl who played Anya in Buffy. The premise of the movie is that, in the future, it will be possible to know the exact moment you meet your soul mate by the beeping of a timer. The timer is an optional purchase, and if your soul mate doesn't have one, your soul mate doesn't have a timer yet ( I began to ponder about all the old maids and people who just don't feel like getting married - do the people who don't have soul mates just have a blank timer forever?). After yet another guy failed to set Oona's timer off by the implantation of his own timer, she gets a little fed up. This is nothing compared to her sister whose timer reads some awful number in the THOUSANDS of day. They both get a little fed up with their timers and begin to let relationships happen as if the timer weren't there. Real romance and chemistry happens without a timer telling them "this is your soul mate." One day, Oona's goes from blank to a rather short count down. She finds out that the "moment" isn't all that she thought it would be. It was a very good movie and I think my favorite line was: "You broke my heart and I'm trying really hard to be a man about it, so cut me some slack." The movie for sure made my friend and I ponder whether or not we'd get timered.
At the end, we backed shoe box gifts and watched Timer. It was a really cutesy movie with the girl who played Anya in Buffy. The premise of the movie is that, in the future, it will be possible to know the exact moment you meet your soul mate by the beeping of a timer. The timer is an optional purchase, and if your soul mate doesn't have one, your soul mate doesn't have a timer yet ( I began to ponder about all the old maids and people who just don't feel like getting married - do the people who don't have soul mates just have a blank timer forever?). After yet another guy failed to set Oona's timer off by the implantation of his own timer, she gets a little fed up. This is nothing compared to her sister whose timer reads some awful number in the THOUSANDS of day. They both get a little fed up with their timers and begin to let relationships happen as if the timer weren't there. Real romance and chemistry happens without a timer telling them "this is your soul mate." One day, Oona's goes from blank to a rather short count down. She finds out that the "moment" isn't all that she thought it would be. It was a very good movie and I think my favorite line was: "You broke my heart and I'm trying really hard to be a man about it, so cut me some slack." The movie for sure made my friend and I ponder whether or not we'd get timered.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Let It Grow
Relationships: I love Eric Clapton. Sigh. However, I don't feel I can take his advice and "plant your love and let it grow." As I've come to examine my feelings more lately, I've realized that the idea of romantic love gives me the creeps. More like anxiety and panic. I got told that I need to let love in - ha - maybe I'll work very slowly at it. That will keep me from having a massive panic attack. Maybe it is because I've been used before, treated like crap, and seen others I love treated like crap in romantic love situations. Take it, family can treat you like hell, but you love them because those idiots are still your family. I am not sure why I seem to break out into cold sweats at the thought of Eros, but I feel content with the love for my family, friends, animals, and books (movies too)! So to everyone thinking I'd be all to excited to show off a hickey, better think again.
Health: My abs still hurt from the other night. Yoga walks are evilly delicious. Dana takes big, giant steps while Renee, has dainty, tiny, walking steps. Between my early run, Zumba, and yoga, my body has been mad these last couple days. I'm not complaining that I wouldn't do it again, but I can tell I have not run in a while. I was quite pleased that I was able to detour my run to work so I could take out the overflowing trash. I made it there and back to my house in less than 20 minutes. Go me!
Work: Choices, choices. Watching PBS tonight made me feel how fermented my brain has been feeling lately. I miss the challenge of the mind. What shall I do?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Pull Up Your Big Girl Bobby Socks
Anyways, I'm going to talk about what I think we should pull our bobby socks up over. This election is ridiculous. I am so glad that there will be about another day of pissing and moaning and bragging and gloating. Everyone needs to shut up, pick ourselves up, and for the GOD DAMN GOOD OF OUR NATION work together for a solution. No more "My way or the highway." That mentality has gotten us no where. I'll say that I voted much differently than I did four years ago. I think a lot of my views have changed as I have explored the greater world. The day after is always the worst. All there seems to be are a bunch of "Na na na nas" and "boo hoo hoos." I can't tell you how annoyed I was to listen to everyone piss and moan. Apparently the second Obama was re-elected as President, the whole world is automatically spinning into large amounts of debt and recession - oh wait, the world is ending December 21. Ok, we are all good.
Word of warning: I am not capable of solving our political or economic problems. What I put forth here isn't a solution. I do not pretend to be smart enough to solve our problems. Sometimes, I feel all of us are just stumbling around in the dark hoping that we latch onto something good that will work...at least for a while.
Really people? Threatening to move to Europe or any other country for that matter...you are better of staying here. Most European countries have universal healthcare. I saw it both in France and Scotland. It isn't the greatest, but for someone who really needs help, it'll do. I like how all those "Proud to be American" republicans are the ones so willing to jump ship the second something doesn't go their way (aka: their canidate didn't win). Learn to deal with the fact that not everyone thinks like you, then learn to come up with a compromise that will fix the problem, not just people please.
As if everything leading up to the election wasn't bad enough, my grandparents' church had a whole sermon, complete with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, about voting. Several times I was tempted to get up and leave or correct the preacher; however, I was dutiful and I bit my tongue. It was really hard when one lady gave a children's discussion about her favorite president, Lincoln, the 14th, no 16th, President of the U.S. I can list all of the presidents in order, thank you 7th grade song, you made me a little smarter. The thing that really got me was the preacher talking about the evils that face our nation all while talking about Lady Liberty and her standing for all the freedoms of America. It kills me when people limit the freedoms of everyone in the US because they don't agree with it. Some of the preacher's points were political correctness, violence, and the continued separation of Church and State.
She said that the founding father's believed that God was behind the forming of this great nation. God was, the people came to American to have a nation where Church and State were separate so the same religious persecution that was happening in the UK wouldn't be allowed to happen here in America. People in the UK dealt with many switches back and forth between Catholicism and Protestantism. Bloody Mary got her nickname for how ruthless she was in converting the British back to Catholicism. Shortly after, everyone switched back to Protestantism when Elizabeth I took the throne. People in other countries had faced inquisitions and excommunication (pretty solid rejection from just about everything) for their beliefs. Now, there are people in our nation that want to limit our freedoms to only those that they think the Bible backs. This sort of ties in with political correctness acting as a gag on the truth (God's truths?). Trust me, I have heard people from that church say some pretty racist, backwoods, ignorant things. Screw political correctness! Let's just call everyone rag heads, fags, and retards. Jesus would have been completely ok with it. Let gay people get married. They are living together "in sin" anyways. Much like many young Americans who are "living in sin" while in a heterosexual relationship. I like that you want to defend marriage; however, the heterosexual community isn't doing it any good either. Kate Hudson doesn't even believe in monogamy, yet she continues to get married.
The preacher also talked of violence in the media. Violence in the media has always been around since the beginning of media. Violence also existed BEFORE media. Have you looked at ancient history? It was all wars! I was really getting sick of people talking about Obama's weak foreign policy when there were those riots and killings of ambassadors. I think it took great strength not to react in haste and hate. As I stated in a previous blog - that is what those extremists wanted, a reaction. When we didn't go straight to the war button, things died down. It took a while, but what is going on now? Nothing. I am all for supporting our soldiers. What they do is amazing and I am SO thankful for the sacrifices they make for me. War costs money. Giving our soldiers the best protection and fighting equipment costs money. Sure, let's start another pointless war with some terrorists and sink further into debt. Not to mention, we are pretty much fighting the people we handed weapons to. Yeah, those American companies that care more about money than anything else. What I do like about the current foreign policy, is the effort to include women in politics everywhere. I read about this in the Heifer International magazine. It was amazing to see this article since I had no idea that was part of the current administrations efforts. I agree, places that oppress women and limit them are limiting themselves. Women tend to compromise, even across political divides. So it makes sense to try to include the other half of the populations in the government.
I haven't looked into the debt crisis. I see it, I know it is there. I am not sure how a president is supposed to fix it all by himself. Greedy companies, corporations, and banks have caused many an economic problem. They don't want to fix their mistakes. They want the government, better yet, the president, to fix what it is they have messed up. Oh, but excuse me, don't force any regulations on them. Greece's economy pretty much tanked because a bank was helping them speculate and basically "cook the books." I can't find the article to back it up, but I remember hearing about two Econ students that collapsed an entire small countries economy as an experiment. Donald Trump can piss and moan all he wants, but I seem to remember him getting some help when he declared bankruptcy (four times). I think we could probably pay off our debt over night if we had a tv tax. Yearly, you have to pay a set amount for the number of tvs in your home. From someone with 3 tvs (2 sit unplugged on the floor since I can't seem to GIVE them away), we could kick debt in the butt quickly.
I have spoken before about women's issues. I'm not for abortions but education is HUGE. Republicans, you want to cut spending, support education. It is better to stop an issue before it starts: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Ben Franklin. Therefore, stopping an unwanted, unable to afford pregnancy from occurring in the first place is better than paying 18 years of food stamps and medicaid costs. I know my parents never talked to me about sex. Thank God I'm pretty smart and can figure out the birds and the bees from a book because when I was little I thought French kissing caused pregnancy. How many other young girls out there are struggling with hormonal changes and no one explaining to them what is going on and how everything works. I'm sick of the rich people around me talking about education being the parent's responsibility and the pregnant person's responsibility. Sarah Palin's daughter even got pregnant at a young age; however, mama Palin stepped in and helped out with her deep pockets. Not every person who can't afford a baby has people around them with deep pockets. Have you seen the girls on 16 and Pregnant? What a little bit of education could've done for them. It just seems logical to preach safe sex. Less STDs to treat and less unwanted pregnancies to pay for later on down the road.
I guess my mind is slightly baffled when I think of what each party really stands for. Republicans want less government control. With less control on business, how do you stop them from taking jobs abroad? Oh wait, you don't want to control business per se, just every one else's lives. Got it. Democrats want more government control. This also scares the crap out of me. I see the necessity of it in certain situations but I don't like the government all up in my business. If we could all put our "I'm right"s away in a corner for awhile and focus on getting America back, we could have a great nation again. I'm not concerned about having to be number one. We just need to not be so divided that we can't see what a great nation we do have before us.
Why Do We Say It
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Artists Den Flop

It'll be very exciting to see who wins the election race tomorrow. For now, I bid you adieu!
Artists Den,
Mumford and Sons
Sunday, November 4, 2012
More is ALWAYS Better
I am so loving this extra hour in the day. I am NOT enjoying the sun setting by 5:30. Really?!? This means I have to sit at my desk for the next several months and watch every day light hour slip by from my desk. I like change - I hate change. Life seems to be sending me a lot of change and a lot of chances for change. I know I am stagnating in multiple ways where I am; on the other hand, I'm just starting to get to know a great group of people in my area. Making decisions are hard work! That is why I chose to watch Inspector Lewis and eat lots of Thin Mints. Sergeant Hathaway is just divine. A well read cop. It's practically an oxymoron, but he makes it so lovely. I love the duo of Inspector Lewis and Sergeant Hathaway - they made staying in of Friday nights worth it. Oi, am I sad. Now, however, it is on Netflix and I can get my fix anytime I please. Now my extra hour has dwindled away and I must get off to bed.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
hahaha- Youtube hates me. Really, I look up guided meditations and I see a video for "Best of Josh Hutcherson." It sure knows how to distract me! It didn't help that the guided meditation was completely boring. I guess I am so used to Renee's meditations of imagery. She takes you to a place and helps you feel calm and centered in that spot. She also seems to say exactly what you need to hear at the moment. For example: "Breath in love, breath out jealousy. Breath in hope, breath out fear. Feel the soft strength of the rock beneath you and how centered you are on it. You are looking up at the night sky and you see a shooting star. There are many of them now and they start to fall on you. Bringing light and happiness to you as they embrace you. Take in that light and breath it out into the world, sharing your light with the world." It is hard to go from something like that to: "Breath in fully, breath out fully." The sound of the waves was really working for the guy leading the meditation. He also sounded like he was trying way to hard. There was something forced in his voice. Renee's meditations just seem to flow straight from her mind and are genuine; not rehearsed. A few other yoga related things: so excited that a studio is giving free demos of aerial yoga soon and I am anxious to start making my Samatahiti video once I get all the components. Once I get the video together, it shall be on here!
I figured I should follow up my post about peeling. IF I HAD KNOWN THIS BEFORE, I think I'd be a much happier person at this point in my life. I feel like one giant itch. Between peeling scabs and peeling sunburn, all I do is scratch. Here are some useful sunburn remedies that are all natural. I will say, I did rub two aloe "leaves" on my legs and it helped a bit. I wish I'd known the vinegar one though! The linked article has natural remedies for other summer time complaints (bug bites, tick prevention, etc.).
*Note: I am becoming slightly concerned with how crazy intelligent our technology is getting. Really, my desktop just asked me: "See What Bing Knows About Stephenie?" Creepy. I think technology is getting smarter and people are growing dumber. This was honestly in a health pamphlet that was sent to the office. Really? Pregnancy is a fact of life. NO WAY! I didn't know that! I can't believe we populated a whole planet to almost over population without pregnancy being a fact of life. I get what the writer was going for, but it makes me want to die reading redundant statements of just pure idiocy. My internet can tell me exactly what I want to find without even asking for it; however, there are human beings that the phrase "Pregnancy is a fact of life" is enlightening. No, it really isn't. And with the modern woman and growing concerns of over population, more and more couples are choosing to keep pregnancy from being a fact of their lives. My neighbor and I were joking about babies being a game changer. I met a guy with a "Game Over" shirt with a married couple on the front. I thought, heck, add a pregnancy belly to that image and it would be accurate. That is at least the way I feel at this moment.
Second spooky thing of the day. Guys who hit on you in front of their wives. I thought, silly me, when I quit working at a hardware store, I'd have to stop fielding weird requests. I got asked today if I wanted to be a sugar mama - with the guys wife sitting right next to him. I've had marriage proposals and requests to spank with a paint stick, but this is just a new level of creepy. I know the man was completely kidding, but I wonder how that makes his wife feel. To hear him ask another woman to take care of him. How rude? And to put me in a situation dealing with that - I don't need to be brought into any other relationship.
PS: After I wrote last night's blog, my neighbor really did stop by and ask for a cup of sugar. It had me chuckling for a time since I had only put it in my title as a joke. Life is funny sometimes.
I figured I should follow up my post about peeling. IF I HAD KNOWN THIS BEFORE, I think I'd be a much happier person at this point in my life. I feel like one giant itch. Between peeling scabs and peeling sunburn, all I do is scratch. Here are some useful sunburn remedies that are all natural. I will say, I did rub two aloe "leaves" on my legs and it helped a bit. I wish I'd known the vinegar one though! The linked article has natural remedies for other summer time complaints (bug bites, tick prevention, etc.).
- Vinegar – Surprisingly this came out as the number one remedy for burning, itching sunburn. Use either white or apple cider vinegar they both seem to work equally well, spray it on or apply it with a cotton ball and let dry. It takes away the itching and burning and helps your burn not to peel quite as much.
- Aloe – No sunburn list would be complete without Aloe on the list. Long known for its healing properties this is the remedy that most of us are familiar with. Simply apply aloe juice, gel, or direct from the plant and leave it.
- Tea or tea bags – Tea will reduce the burning as well has help your burn fade a bit faster than it otherwise would.While many people suggest applying tea bags directly to the burn if you have a large burn this could be a bit difficult. You can brew your tea let it cool and use a rag to apply the tea directly to your skin. Use this remedy two to three times daily till the pain stops and the redness fades. Especially good on severe burns.
- Ice – Removes the burn and pulls the heat out of your skin, ice will also help to reduce any swelling that might occur from severe burns. Best if combined with other remedies. You can use ice cubes, ice packs or put a wet towel in the freezer and let it freeze.
- Mustard – while this might sound a bit gross, and truthfully it is the first time I had heard of it many people swear by it. Smear the burn area with mustard and let it dry. Remove by washing it off, it takes away the sting and will prevent blistering from occurring.
Second spooky thing of the day. Guys who hit on you in front of their wives. I thought, silly me, when I quit working at a hardware store, I'd have to stop fielding weird requests. I got asked today if I wanted to be a sugar mama - with the guys wife sitting right next to him. I've had marriage proposals and requests to spank with a paint stick, but this is just a new level of creepy. I know the man was completely kidding, but I wonder how that makes his wife feel. To hear him ask another woman to take care of him. How rude? And to put me in a situation dealing with that - I don't need to be brought into any other relationship.
PS: After I wrote last night's blog, my neighbor really did stop by and ask for a cup of sugar. It had me chuckling for a time since I had only put it in my title as a joke. Life is funny sometimes.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Can I borrow a cup of sugar? Maybe a piece of cake?
Tonight, I noticed my neighbor posted something about a delicious chocolate recipe she was trying. I jokingly commented: "Can I come over when it is done?!? That sounds yummy. Now I wish I hadn't eaten my body weight in Thin Mints a minute ago!" She did invite me over. I got cake and chocolate red wine and a great conversation. It is so nice to actually sit down and chat with a neighbor. She is one of the two people I know in the building. Both of us love to bake and are really into healthy food and baking (with all natural ingredients and attempting to not pollute ourselves with all the fake, chemical additives in many processed foods). It was a fun time. Now I am super tired and in need of a few good hours of sleep. I don't know if I can even stay up to read a few pages of my book. Who am I kidding, of course I can read a few pages!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Daughter of Fortune
Daugher of Fortune,
Isabel Allende
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Expecting Friends
I had a pretty amazing weekend! I for sure can't complain. Baking on Friday slipped by really quickly and then Grandma and Grandpa B were here! We had my birthday dinner and ate rather soupy ice cream cake. I won't complain, it was good no matter what! Then, I got all dressed up as a bitten surfer and went to see The Brother's Quinn play a show. My two friends and I were the only people dressed up, besides the band, for the longest time. Some other people dressed up finally came in a little later on - it helped us feel a little less like fools. Then Saturday was spent with the family in the car. First, grandma, mom, and I went to Vinnies and found lots of good things. I got a ton of books. When I got to the register, I was happy to find that books were half off! SWEET DEAL! We then roamed from place to place picking up grandparents, having lunch, going to my brother's place, having nice, warm potatoe soup for dinner, and then movies with my sister and friend. We got What to Expect When You're Expecting. Then we watched part of Warrior before calling it a night. Today, after church, I had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa B. I wish they didn't have to leave. I will see them this weekend again, but it doesn't mean that I felt I got enough time with them this weekend. My friend and I then spent the afternoon shopping (I bought way too many beachy scented candles at Bath and Body Works - I have Oceanside burning beside me right now), spray painting furniture, carving pumpkins, drinking wine, and watching Friends with Kids.
What to Expect When You're Expecting is a hilarious movie. I still can't see myself having a child, however, this movie was just spectacular though. The movie follows several couples that all overlap somehow, who find themselves "expecting." One couple is adopting, one is pregnant after years of trying and finally deciding to stop trying, one was an accidental pregnancy, one was a happy surprise, and one was just easy in every way. All of the couples face many different challenges while learning to accept, grow, and change with all the developments that occur while developing a baby: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The "Dudes"Group scenes are my favorite part of that movie.
Friends with Kids is another hilarious movie covering how having kids can be complicating. This movie follows two friends that see their friends having children and seemingly falling apart. They, unwed and not seeing anyone, decide that they should just get the "having the kid" part of a relationship out of the way. This way, when they meet "the one," the romance isn't killed by having a kid. They still have the joy of having a child, but they don't have all the other complications. They end up having a son together and all of their friends are astounded that they somehow make everything work so well. Both begin to see other people; however, complications begin to pop up and they must decide what is best for their son.
*Just a side note: since when has it become socially acceptable to put porn in movies. The Kids are All Right and Friends with Kids both had scenes with porn fully being shown on the screen. Really? Is this necessary? Gay porn, threesome porn, watching porn while attempting sex...I really didn't sign up for seeing that when I got a romantic comedy/drama. What is happening to the movie industry? Calm the sex down a bit. It isn't really necessary to have it all hanging out there. Doris Day and Rock Hudson didn't have to go at it on the screen for me to know that they had a strong sexual attraction/relationship/sexual appetite. I got it all from innuendo. Have some class and wit Hollywood! Either that, or every one in Hollywood today lacks an imagination. Personally, I think both movies would have been a whole lot better with the porn or excessive sex scenes toned down or completely removed.
Friends with Kids is another hilarious movie covering how having kids can be complicating. This movie follows two friends that see their friends having children and seemingly falling apart. They, unwed and not seeing anyone, decide that they should just get the "having the kid" part of a relationship out of the way. This way, when they meet "the one," the romance isn't killed by having a kid. They still have the joy of having a child, but they don't have all the other complications. They end up having a son together and all of their friends are astounded that they somehow make everything work so well. Both begin to see other people; however, complications begin to pop up and they must decide what is best for their son.
*Just a side note: since when has it become socially acceptable to put porn in movies. The Kids are All Right and Friends with Kids both had scenes with porn fully being shown on the screen. Really? Is this necessary? Gay porn, threesome porn, watching porn while attempting sex...I really didn't sign up for seeing that when I got a romantic comedy/drama. What is happening to the movie industry? Calm the sex down a bit. It isn't really necessary to have it all hanging out there. Doris Day and Rock Hudson didn't have to go at it on the screen for me to know that they had a strong sexual attraction/relationship/sexual appetite. I got it all from innuendo. Have some class and wit Hollywood! Either that, or every one in Hollywood today lacks an imagination. Personally, I think both movies would have been a whole lot better with the porn or excessive sex scenes toned down or completely removed.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Goodnight Sweet Heart, Well It's Time to Go
I am extremely exhausted after this week. I have to get up and work at the bakery tomorrow. However, I am extremely excited that my grandparents are going to be visiting. I'll have to clean up my apartment a wee bit more before they arrive, but I'm sure excited.
Relationships wise, I think I may have a Puerto Rican sweet heart. He has written something to me every single day since I've been gone from Puerto Rico. He's a super sweet guy, but I don't know if I see this going anywhere. Not to mention, I'd have to get over my height-est objections to small men. Puerto Rican guys aren't all that tall, occasionally there's a guy that goes taller than 5'6". This guy is pint sized compared to me. Maybe it is a good thing nothing is going to happen besides an exchange of weather reports. It's nice to get weather updates from Puerto Rico though. I can just imagine the sun on my face. Javi's painting of Dome's Beach helps too.
Health: I need to get back to working out on a regular basis. I went to bed early last night and I could hardly drag my butt out of bed for work this morning. I did get in some Sun Series and 8 Minute Abs yesterday before going to work.
Career: Ha. I feel like there is something more out there for me. I just can't find it or put my finger on it. I wish I could do something that let's me shine through, not something that I feel I trudge through until the weekend arrives.
Relationships wise, I think I may have a Puerto Rican sweet heart. He has written something to me every single day since I've been gone from Puerto Rico. He's a super sweet guy, but I don't know if I see this going anywhere. Not to mention, I'd have to get over my height-est objections to small men. Puerto Rican guys aren't all that tall, occasionally there's a guy that goes taller than 5'6". This guy is pint sized compared to me. Maybe it is a good thing nothing is going to happen besides an exchange of weather reports. It's nice to get weather updates from Puerto Rico though. I can just imagine the sun on my face. Javi's painting of Dome's Beach helps too.
Health: I need to get back to working out on a regular basis. I went to bed early last night and I could hardly drag my butt out of bed for work this morning. I did get in some Sun Series and 8 Minute Abs yesterday before going to work.
Career: Ha. I feel like there is something more out there for me. I just can't find it or put my finger on it. I wish I could do something that let's me shine through, not something that I feel I trudge through until the weekend arrives.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Mine, Mine, MINE
I am beginning to disgust myself. Honestly, I was finding flakes of my skin around the office. Someone could track me by the trail of skin I am dropping. I think I'm going to have to wear tight pants under my work trousers because I'm sick of going around and cleaning my flesh up off the floor.
Now that I've covered that gruesomeness, on to Criminal Minds! They gave Reid a GIRLFRIEND and she said "I love you." I'm crying on the inside. He is so meant to be MINE! My precious, skinny, issue-filled, nerd - Mine, Mine, MINE! I'm really interested in finding out what the heck is wrong with her. If you remember, I suggested they get him a librarian girlfriend, not a chick with issues. *Upset* - that boy deserves to be happy and issue free. I know that doesn't make the best tv, but please, he needs no additional issues!
Also, I just need to put this out there. People of WI, put the guns down! WTF? Three shootings in like two months?!? Not to mention, two of them were within days of each other. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that there is a serial killer operating in WI again. I need to move. Rifle hunting season is starting soon - ugh. Let's get through that with no disasters, please! In all seriousness, my heart goes out to the family, friends, and loved ones of those that have been victims in all of the shootings.
Now that I've covered that gruesomeness, on to Criminal Minds! They gave Reid a GIRLFRIEND and she said "I love you." I'm crying on the inside. He is so meant to be MINE! My precious, skinny, issue-filled, nerd - Mine, Mine, MINE! I'm really interested in finding out what the heck is wrong with her. If you remember, I suggested they get him a librarian girlfriend, not a chick with issues. *Upset* - that boy deserves to be happy and issue free. I know that doesn't make the best tv, but please, he needs no additional issues!
Also, I just need to put this out there. People of WI, put the guns down! WTF? Three shootings in like two months?!? Not to mention, two of them were within days of each other. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that there is a serial killer operating in WI again. I need to move. Rifle hunting season is starting soon - ugh. Let's get through that with no disasters, please! In all seriousness, my heart goes out to the family, friends, and loved ones of those that have been victims in all of the shootings.
Criminal Minds,
Matthew Gray Gubler,
Wisconsin Shootings
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I am beginning to understand why snakes are so cranky. Well, besides being blamed, alongside women, for the expulsion from Paradise, shedding your skin with no hands has to suck. My legs are peeling and all I want to do is scratch. This is especially pleasant since it is my upper thighs and backs of my knees that are flaking away to nothing. I feel like on giant itch between all of my insect bites, peeling scabs and sunburn! I honestly thought I rubbed a hole in my flesh while on the stair climber tonight; thus, I am currently sitting on an ice pack. It felt really nice to rub my legs down with some exfoliating cream. The itching stopped for a brief moment in time. I haven't had this problem in forever. I NEVER burn, mostly because I avoid the sun like the plague and always wear long pants. I think I look pretty good pasty; however, I think I could live with a permanent tan for Puerto Rican sun. You should have seen my younger siblings freak out when they saw my skin peeling off in bits. Their black skin has never peeled and this is the first time one of their white family members have burned so much that they turned red and peeled. There is a first time for everything!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Broche de Oro
I feel I have spent too long at a desk today. Ugh - I wish didn't have to come back to Wisconsin. This cold, rainy weather makes me want to crawl back into my bed and dream of Puerto Rico. New mission in life: Live part of the year in Scotland and part in Puerto Rico. I was told/warned that I was going to love it so much I wouldn't want to leave. If I had a place to stay, I think I would have really been tempted to stay. Not the first time I've done something completely crazy.
I had so much fun paddle boarding and surfing and snorkeling and doing yoga and not starring at a computer screen all day. Not to mention I found Puerto Rican equivalents to Max from DWTS and Zach Effron. The sun was amazing, I had adorable puppies to keep me company, and some pretty awesome new experiences. I surfed on my birthday! I told my teacher, Robert Ferrer, who is the best by the way, "I never expected to do this, ever, in my life. I saw it in a movie when I was little and thought it would be really fun and now I'm here, doing it!" I also danced with completely strange men. I had one guy tell me to move my ass. I was slightly offended, but not too much. He quit dancing with me because I pretty much decided not to move anymore after that comment. A) I can move my butt and damn well B) I shake it when I want to, not when some dude is telling me to "move it" C) I had just gotten in that morning at 2:30 and it was late at night when I really wanted my bed instead of a dance partner. Jose, the next guy I danced with didn't seem to mind. I did hit him with my hat brim, accidentally. Hahaha, I had to turn my hat around backwards to keep dancing without incident. I can't help it, I find grinding just awkward. What is even the past tense of that: He ground on me/he grinded on me/he was grinding on me. Ok, the last one sounds the best. Turns out, everyone actually from town thinks that this guy and his friend Ryan are really undercover cops. That would probably explain why Jose first introduced himself as Josh. Lord only knows. I got up and rode several waves all the way! Woot. I also got burnt to a crispity crisp. Good thing we had done the mountain biking the day before because all that chafing would have killed me! I was already dying - I'm more of a ride bike for errands around town, not a ride bike far distances for fun. 15 miles is more than I ever want to do again. Ok, I may try it again. Just with less heat, more water, and a little more build up to that great of a distance. My chain also popped off on the corner where the iguana lives. If I had known that giant thing was near by, I'd have run with the bike away. I have to say I am proud for doing things I never would have before - I totally "yolo-ed" a few times. That rope swing was scarier than looking down and seeing a jellyfish between my legs. Yes, that one did sting me. Thank God it was just a tiny brush against my knee. It could have been worse!
I did watch a movie while in Puerto Rico! It was called Broche de Oro (Wave of Gold). It was a really cute movie. I teared up at a few places. I even understood parts of it. I definitely didn't get all of it, but I did get a good chunk of it. The movie is about a young boy/man who breaks his grandfather and his grandfather's two friends out of their strict Catholic retirement home for a day. It accidentally turns into a 2 day excursion when the tires on their car get slashed. Bonds are made stronger between generations and love is discovered in all sorts of places! A very entertaining way to spend a night in Puerto Rico. The surfer eye-candy wasn't all that bad either. It is a feel good comedy of sorts. I very much enjoyed the movie.
Really, who wants to leave this?!? |
Surfer Eye-Candy |
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Heave a Sigh and Cast a Vote
I have a lot to say; however, I am so tired. I don't know if it will come out all correctly. Another thing that is becoming tiring - campaign EVERY THING! Everyone wants in on the action and some of the things that come out are just scary.
Now I know there are people like this on both sides of the political spectrum; however, this is the video that I stumbled upon. This is truly scary. Please, if you don't have better reasons than "canidatial" looks to vote, DON'T! I am very interested to see her video on how Obama is taking away her right to be a Catholic. I'd say before the election, take her advice: "educate yourself" and then go vote. Don't just really on your twitter feed and campaign commercials. Truly look at the issues and vote for what you believe is best.
Now I know there are people like this on both sides of the political spectrum; however, this is the video that I stumbled upon. This is truly scary. Please, if you don't have better reasons than "canidatial" looks to vote, DON'T! I am very interested to see her video on how Obama is taking away her right to be a Catholic. I'd say before the election, take her advice: "educate yourself" and then go vote. Don't just really on your twitter feed and campaign commercials. Truly look at the issues and vote for what you believe is best.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Busy Busy Prep Time
I haven't really read anything recently. I've been busy doing projects and getting ready for my trip. All of my audiobooks have been put off for Mumford and Sons as well. The most reading I have done is my Lucky and the visiting guide to Puerto Rico. It has all these interesting facts that I should study up on before I fly out this Friday. There are some really interesting foods I want to try.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Five Years and A Set of Mittens
Ugh, sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day. It's super cold too. Why did it have to go from the 70s to the 50s in one day? I like gradual temperature shift. It always seems so much harder to get out of bed in the morning when it is cold.
I helped my friend move into her new place yesterday. After we finished watching her unpack her massive amounts of clothes, we watched The Five Year Engagement. I really like Jason Segel and Emily Blunt and they were great together in this movie. The couple, Violet and Tom, get engaged after a year and are beginning to plan their wedding. Tom is a big chef in San Francisco and Violet is a grad student. In the middle of their plans, she gets accepted at a university in Michigan. Tom gives up his very good job to follow her to Michigan. There, he finds a crap job in a deli and some really weird friends. A lot of strain is put on their relationship and the wedding date keeps getting pushed back.
I think what interested me most about the movie was Midwest perceptions. Deer hunting doesn't happen right after New Years and you can't just wear your sweater. You need blaze orange on to go out and kill Bambi. Those deer they shot were the most ridiculous looking things I have ever seen. And the way he put the deer IN his car. Wow. The seasons were all really weird as well. They changed very quickly and sometimes there was snow, then it was gone, then it was back - and it wasn't showing time change. Case in point, before New Years party, snow, at said party, no snow, walking home after party, snow. It's just mind boggling. Tom grows the weirdest mutton chop lookin things on his face - I haven't seen too many people with crazy facial hair in this area. I can't really speak for Michigan since I haven't really been there. We are also apparently in a battle to decide who really has the mitten state.
I helped my friend move into her new place yesterday. After we finished watching her unpack her massive amounts of clothes, we watched The Five Year Engagement. I really like Jason Segel and Emily Blunt and they were great together in this movie. The couple, Violet and Tom, get engaged after a year and are beginning to plan their wedding. Tom is a big chef in San Francisco and Violet is a grad student. In the middle of their plans, she gets accepted at a university in Michigan. Tom gives up his very good job to follow her to Michigan. There, he finds a crap job in a deli and some really weird friends. A lot of strain is put on their relationship and the wedding date keeps getting pushed back.
I think what interested me most about the movie was Midwest perceptions. Deer hunting doesn't happen right after New Years and you can't just wear your sweater. You need blaze orange on to go out and kill Bambi. Those deer they shot were the most ridiculous looking things I have ever seen. And the way he put the deer IN his car. Wow. The seasons were all really weird as well. They changed very quickly and sometimes there was snow, then it was gone, then it was back - and it wasn't showing time change. Case in point, before New Years party, snow, at said party, no snow, walking home after party, snow. It's just mind boggling. Tom grows the weirdest mutton chop lookin things on his face - I haven't seen too many people with crazy facial hair in this area. I can't really speak for Michigan since I haven't really been there. We are also apparently in a battle to decide who really has the mitten state.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
I watched Drive last night - thus, no blog. Ryan Gosling, can you get any better?!? I do have to say, my favorite character of his has to be his rather minor character role in Remember the Titans. His part in that movie is priceless. He's so funny. I like Lars too. That character is amazing. Sometimes, I wish I could pull the same thing with my family. Too bad there only seem to be female dolls. Maybe I should suggest that to a company. I whole untapped market. (ewe, that just got dirty in my head). There is a reason, beyond his good looks, that makes Ryan Gosling Movie Marathons fun. I don't think I can ever watch Half Nelson again, but most of his other movies are really good! I was a little freaked out last night when he staked a man with a curtain rod and also stomped a guy to death (like, no skull left stomped him to death). I think I really liked how the music and the slow motion of the scenes blended so well to give you this other worldly feel. It was very interesting the way his character would just smile at the girl, Irene. It made it seem more real - those awkward moments where you don't quite know what to say, but you don't want to leave, so you just smile stupidly.
Anyways, I got told by my boss today that if I fall on my face while attempting to surf in Puerto Rico during a Pro Surfing competition, I can be rescued and fall madly in love. I was like, do you not want me to come back from Puerto Rico? I could probably start studying yoga under Renee and work at her resort. I'd be all over that. I don't know if I'd go well with a surfer dude though. Hmm, Prince William surfs and I've loved him since I was 12, so maybe I do like surfer dudes. And I could be his "little surfer girl." (ugh, I think I just gagged). I can't believe next Saturday I am going to be in Puerto Rico doing so many amazing things. I can't wait!! I'm excited.
Anyways, I got told by my boss today that if I fall on my face while attempting to surf in Puerto Rico during a Pro Surfing competition, I can be rescued and fall madly in love. I was like, do you not want me to come back from Puerto Rico? I could probably start studying yoga under Renee and work at her resort. I'd be all over that. I don't know if I'd go well with a surfer dude though. Hmm, Prince William surfs and I've loved him since I was 12, so maybe I do like surfer dudes. And I could be his "little surfer girl." (ugh, I think I just gagged). I can't believe next Saturday I am going to be in Puerto Rico doing so many amazing things. I can't wait!! I'm excited.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Walk New Ground
Oh my, it seems the internet just doesn't want to cooperate!
I'll make this short.
Work - long.
Yoga - ouch/sweat (literally, everyone was pouring sweat).
Dinner - ugh, my tummy and head hurt.
DWTS - Oh Max.
Cleaning - necessary evil.
Now - REALLY tired.
That isn't all that true. I actually really like to clean. I really like cleaning carpets :D I also ate something that had already given me a stomach ache the first time I tried it. Most exciting about today were the two amazon packages I had waiting outside my door. That smile on the box really does make your day. Now I just have to wait for England, Their England. YES! I got my Ahnu shoes today and I really love them. They feel amazing on my feet. They are way better than the sketchers that I purchased with the thought that they'd be a comfy walking/slip on and go shoe. These shoes deliver - I am so happy that I saw them in the Yoga Journal. What really impressed me about the shoe was the "catch phrase" that was written on the box: "Walk New Ground." I like it. I think if should be my motto/mantra. If there is something that I really want to do with my life, it is to never stop exploring and "walking new ground." This world is so amazing and I want to meet as many people and see as many things and do all the things it is feasibly possible for me to do.
So go out there and walk new ground.
I'll make this short.
Work - long.
Yoga - ouch/sweat (literally, everyone was pouring sweat).
Dinner - ugh, my tummy and head hurt.
DWTS - Oh Max.
Cleaning - necessary evil.
Now - REALLY tired.
That isn't all that true. I actually really like to clean. I really like cleaning carpets :D I also ate something that had already given me a stomach ache the first time I tried it. Most exciting about today were the two amazon packages I had waiting outside my door. That smile on the box really does make your day. Now I just have to wait for England, Their England. YES! I got my Ahnu shoes today and I really love them. They feel amazing on my feet. They are way better than the sketchers that I purchased with the thought that they'd be a comfy walking/slip on and go shoe. These shoes deliver - I am so happy that I saw them in the Yoga Journal. What really impressed me about the shoe was the "catch phrase" that was written on the box: "Walk New Ground." I like it. I think if should be my motto/mantra. If there is something that I really want to do with my life, it is to never stop exploring and "walking new ground." This world is so amazing and I want to meet as many people and see as many things and do all the things it is feasibly possible for me to do.
So go out there and walk new ground.
Ahnu shoes,
Dancing with the Stars,
Monday, October 1, 2012
Not My Fault
So I am just going to preface this with an: It's not my fault!!
Really, it isn't! I share my internet with my neighbor and the thingy that projects the signal got loosened from the cable (yes, be in awe at the incredible use of my geeky and oh so technically accurate vocab). I asked her about it the other night - and now, we are back in the game. So here is what I have written and stored up for you since the internet blackout. So since this is going to be long, I hope I can at least entertain you for a bit.
Oh yes - I just watched the newest episode of Criminal Minds. I am also really excited to watch Elementary tomorrow. I love Johnny Lee Miller. I think I might even stay up and watch him on Dave Letterman tonight. You know what I really, really love? I LOVE Dr. Reid's hair. It changes every season! Long, short, sort of emo - back and forth. Matthew Gray Gubler is just adorable! I also love Penelope. She just makes my day.
I have a little bit of a beef with our medical industry. Even alternative medicine falls into the same pitfalls as "regular" doctors. My boss went to a seminar on sports nutrition this last weekend. It was put on by a vitamin company. Let's just say, it was more of a long commercial for their products, not actual nutrition. As I pointed out to him on Monday, "Shouldn't a nutrition class teach you something about what you should and shouldn't eat for your best athletic performances, not what pills you should pop." What is our world coming to? Is our future really just going to be pill popping for all of our nutritional needs? Personally, I like food. I'm pretty sure there are other foodies (ones that like healthy, yummy foods) out there that wish more people would learn about food nutrition and not just which combo of pills will get you where you want to go. It kind of blurs the line between what pills are acceptable to take and not (steroids/growth hormones).
Tonight I got into a lively discussion about all of my world travels because someone asked if I had ever been to England when they saw me wearing my new England shirt. I miss travel, I miss all the wonderful things living in a different place can bring. I feel a bit stagnant where I am now. While I am contemplating what it is I want to do with my life, I do know that I want it to be something I can do from anywhere in the world. So I can take French lessons and explore museums and quais or hike "a freakin' mountain" (Old Man of Storr) or do something that makes me grow and expands my mind. I miss it all so much. The sucky thing is, that lifestyle isn't really conducive for family. I miss my family so much when I am away. I'll need to come up with a plan that makes sure they can come with me wherever I go - my entourage. My sister is looking forward to my 25th birthday about as much as I am. Last night she let slip that she was going to be all alone when I turn 25. My other friend who was there said, "she's still the same distance away from you in age as she was last year. Nothing has changed that way." And my sister responded with, "Yeah, but she'll turn 25 and then leave, and I'll be all alone again." Great!
Well, my internet seems to be down again. I seem to breath wrong and it disconnects. Then it connects for about as long as it takes me to double click...and the it's gone. Hopefully I'll get this up sometime tonight. *See, I didn't lie*
Today, I got relationship advice from a 10 year old. After asking my age and my relationship status (both as boyfriend and husband), I was informed that I needed someone. Both my coworker and I said that I didn't need anyone to make me any better. I said I was pretty awesome and I like my own company well enough. That response was met with: "Well, you need to find someone awesome to be awesome with." I guess that is now my goal: find someone to be awesome with. Got it, I'll just pick that person out of a catalogue (thanks Paris) or the next person to walk in the door (hey, it worked for Stephanie in Grease 2!).
I'm a little worried about myself physically for my week in Puerto Rico. I'm worried about biking and all that yoga, not to mention the paddle boarding and surfing. I've gotten out of working out every day and right now, I'm more worried about getting rid of this cold in time. Ick, I feel more like crawling into my bed than onto a yoga mat or the dance floor.
I watched the WEIRDEST movie with my sister after the homecoming game (surprise, our team lost). The movie was called Damsels in Distress. The movie is funny and off beat, but not really leaving you wanting to watch it again. The weird cropping of the movie gave the story a bit of a jerky feel. It seemed to not have any continuity. The fashion was very interesting. I liked a lot of the dresses; however, the neckerchiefs creeped me out. I like scarves and those little kerchiefs look like a valley girl fashion imitation of an old west bandit. Just bad. Anyways, back to the movie. There are a set of girls that find a new girl in the halls of their campus. They take her in and she joins their band of weirdness. They run the suicide prevention center - tap dancing is their favorite form of therapy. Violet, the main character goes from being the head of the suicide prevention group to needing their help when she heads into a "tail spin." Coming out of her tail spin by smelling this wonderful soap, she finds comfort in the wackiness of her peers and is further driven to start a dance craze. It is her biggest goal in life to start a dance craze. Love, dancing, and good smells are all things that bring depressed people away from the ledge. I do have to say, I could be one of Violet's band of weirdos. She has a friend who went to England and came back claiming to be British - she adopted a British accent that she refuses to drop. If I could pull off a Scottish accent as well as I can a British and Irish one, I'd be ALL over it. I'd say the movie is definitely worth a watch. Maybe two if you need a second viewing after spending the first time through scratching your head.
I have a new appreciation for Wuthering Heights. I never, EVER, liked the book. I do understand it a little better than I did before. Thanks Masterpiece Theater and Thomas Hardy. I see why it is such a classic - it was practically the 50 Shades of Grey of it's time. Umm, cheating, secret meetings, pining for someone you can't have, greed, pride, drunken debauchery - what more could shake up a rather stiff society. Especially from a parson's daughter. Weren't they supposed to not know what any of that was? I think Thomas Hardy did a really good job of making Heathcliff a great anti-hero. Holy crap is he good. At times I hated him, others I wanted to hug him. Sometimes I just wanted to smack him and say: "both of you just get over your big egos and love each other. I don't know, maybe telling each other the truth for once might help not make you so miserable." This rendition of the book was very well done; however, it didn't make me want to read the book again. Sorry, that book is just too much crap to bother reading again.
I also finished The Coral Thief today. Daniel Conner, a young medical student has been given some important specimens and a letter of recommendation from his professor. This takes him from Edinburgh to the thriving intellectual hub of post-Napoleonic Paris. On the way to Paris, Daniel meets a charming, intelligent, intriguing, and very mysterious woman with a child. He feels comfortable with her and is persuaded to try and get a few moments of rest on the mail coach. When he wakes, he finds that his specimens (a piece of coral and a mammoth bone) along with his letter of introduction have been taken by this dark lady. Upon arrival in Paris, he begins a journey far different from the one he had originally planned. He goes to the police in Paris to report his stolen goods and pleads illness to explain his absence to the great scientist he is supposed to be assisting in the Jardin des Plantes. Little did he know that the chance meeting with that woman and her small child in the mail coach would change his life so profoundly. Daniel finds himself drawn into the lives of the woman and the child; he must help them in their attempt to be free.
I was so excited to read this book based on the description. Not so excited by the actual book. Like a movie trailer, all of the interesting parts were in the description. It had so much potential: love, crime, mystery, Paris, and young men from Edinburgh. The book just fell flat. Daniel Conner talked about himself in third person from time to time, which sort of makes since because he's talking about the "Daniel Conner" that was before this great life changing event. I knew from the description that there would be something between the thief and Daniel, so that wasn't all that surprising. I'm also a little concerned because he seemed to be aroused by almost any and everything. Is that really what goes on in a man's mind? I'll just say, don't bother with this predictable and boring book.
Really, it isn't! I share my internet with my neighbor and the thingy that projects the signal got loosened from the cable (yes, be in awe at the incredible use of my geeky and oh so technically accurate vocab). I asked her about it the other night - and now, we are back in the game. So here is what I have written and stored up for you since the internet blackout. So since this is going to be long, I hope I can at least entertain you for a bit.
Oh yes - I just watched the newest episode of Criminal Minds. I am also really excited to watch Elementary tomorrow. I love Johnny Lee Miller. I think I might even stay up and watch him on Dave Letterman tonight. You know what I really, really love? I LOVE Dr. Reid's hair. It changes every season! Long, short, sort of emo - back and forth. Matthew Gray Gubler is just adorable! I also love Penelope. She just makes my day.
I have a little bit of a beef with our medical industry. Even alternative medicine falls into the same pitfalls as "regular" doctors. My boss went to a seminar on sports nutrition this last weekend. It was put on by a vitamin company. Let's just say, it was more of a long commercial for their products, not actual nutrition. As I pointed out to him on Monday, "Shouldn't a nutrition class teach you something about what you should and shouldn't eat for your best athletic performances, not what pills you should pop." What is our world coming to? Is our future really just going to be pill popping for all of our nutritional needs? Personally, I like food. I'm pretty sure there are other foodies (ones that like healthy, yummy foods) out there that wish more people would learn about food nutrition and not just which combo of pills will get you where you want to go. It kind of blurs the line between what pills are acceptable to take and not (steroids/growth hormones).
Tonight I got into a lively discussion about all of my world travels because someone asked if I had ever been to England when they saw me wearing my new England shirt. I miss travel, I miss all the wonderful things living in a different place can bring. I feel a bit stagnant where I am now. While I am contemplating what it is I want to do with my life, I do know that I want it to be something I can do from anywhere in the world. So I can take French lessons and explore museums and quais or hike "a freakin' mountain" (Old Man of Storr) or do something that makes me grow and expands my mind. I miss it all so much. The sucky thing is, that lifestyle isn't really conducive for family. I miss my family so much when I am away. I'll need to come up with a plan that makes sure they can come with me wherever I go - my entourage. My sister is looking forward to my 25th birthday about as much as I am. Last night she let slip that she was going to be all alone when I turn 25. My other friend who was there said, "she's still the same distance away from you in age as she was last year. Nothing has changed that way." And my sister responded with, "Yeah, but she'll turn 25 and then leave, and I'll be all alone again." Great!
Well, my internet seems to be down again. I seem to breath wrong and it disconnects. Then it connects for about as long as it takes me to double click...and the it's gone. Hopefully I'll get this up sometime tonight. *See, I didn't lie*
Today, I got relationship advice from a 10 year old. After asking my age and my relationship status (both as boyfriend and husband), I was informed that I needed someone. Both my coworker and I said that I didn't need anyone to make me any better. I said I was pretty awesome and I like my own company well enough. That response was met with: "Well, you need to find someone awesome to be awesome with." I guess that is now my goal: find someone to be awesome with. Got it, I'll just pick that person out of a catalogue (thanks Paris) or the next person to walk in the door (hey, it worked for Stephanie in Grease 2!).
I'm a little worried about myself physically for my week in Puerto Rico. I'm worried about biking and all that yoga, not to mention the paddle boarding and surfing. I've gotten out of working out every day and right now, I'm more worried about getting rid of this cold in time. Ick, I feel more like crawling into my bed than onto a yoga mat or the dance floor.
I watched the WEIRDEST movie with my sister after the homecoming game (surprise, our team lost). The movie was called Damsels in Distress. The movie is funny and off beat, but not really leaving you wanting to watch it again. The weird cropping of the movie gave the story a bit of a jerky feel. It seemed to not have any continuity. The fashion was very interesting. I liked a lot of the dresses; however, the neckerchiefs creeped me out. I like scarves and those little kerchiefs look like a valley girl fashion imitation of an old west bandit. Just bad. Anyways, back to the movie. There are a set of girls that find a new girl in the halls of their campus. They take her in and she joins their band of weirdness. They run the suicide prevention center - tap dancing is their favorite form of therapy. Violet, the main character goes from being the head of the suicide prevention group to needing their help when she heads into a "tail spin." Coming out of her tail spin by smelling this wonderful soap, she finds comfort in the wackiness of her peers and is further driven to start a dance craze. It is her biggest goal in life to start a dance craze. Love, dancing, and good smells are all things that bring depressed people away from the ledge. I do have to say, I could be one of Violet's band of weirdos. She has a friend who went to England and came back claiming to be British - she adopted a British accent that she refuses to drop. If I could pull off a Scottish accent as well as I can a British and Irish one, I'd be ALL over it. I'd say the movie is definitely worth a watch. Maybe two if you need a second viewing after spending the first time through scratching your head.
I have a new appreciation for Wuthering Heights. I never, EVER, liked the book. I do understand it a little better than I did before. Thanks Masterpiece Theater and Thomas Hardy. I see why it is such a classic - it was practically the 50 Shades of Grey of it's time. Umm, cheating, secret meetings, pining for someone you can't have, greed, pride, drunken debauchery - what more could shake up a rather stiff society. Especially from a parson's daughter. Weren't they supposed to not know what any of that was? I think Thomas Hardy did a really good job of making Heathcliff a great anti-hero. Holy crap is he good. At times I hated him, others I wanted to hug him. Sometimes I just wanted to smack him and say: "both of you just get over your big egos and love each other. I don't know, maybe telling each other the truth for once might help not make you so miserable." This rendition of the book was very well done; however, it didn't make me want to read the book again. Sorry, that book is just too much crap to bother reading again.
I also finished The Coral Thief today. Daniel Conner, a young medical student has been given some important specimens and a letter of recommendation from his professor. This takes him from Edinburgh to the thriving intellectual hub of post-Napoleonic Paris. On the way to Paris, Daniel meets a charming, intelligent, intriguing, and very mysterious woman with a child. He feels comfortable with her and is persuaded to try and get a few moments of rest on the mail coach. When he wakes, he finds that his specimens (a piece of coral and a mammoth bone) along with his letter of introduction have been taken by this dark lady. Upon arrival in Paris, he begins a journey far different from the one he had originally planned. He goes to the police in Paris to report his stolen goods and pleads illness to explain his absence to the great scientist he is supposed to be assisting in the Jardin des Plantes. Little did he know that the chance meeting with that woman and her small child in the mail coach would change his life so profoundly. Daniel finds himself drawn into the lives of the woman and the child; he must help them in their attempt to be free.
I was so excited to read this book based on the description. Not so excited by the actual book. Like a movie trailer, all of the interesting parts were in the description. It had so much potential: love, crime, mystery, Paris, and young men from Edinburgh. The book just fell flat. Daniel Conner talked about himself in third person from time to time, which sort of makes since because he's talking about the "Daniel Conner" that was before this great life changing event. I knew from the description that there would be something between the thief and Daniel, so that wasn't all that surprising. I'm also a little concerned because he seemed to be aroused by almost any and everything. Is that really what goes on in a man's mind? I'll just say, don't bother with this predictable and boring book.
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